Great website on Kosovo War


New member
Someone (I forget who, but thank you!) posted a page from , which led me to their <a href="">Kosovo Crisis Page</a>, by far the best source of unbiased news and commentary I've found. Enjoy!
Well, while we are going about this in seemingly the DUMBEST way possible, I must disagree with the Congresswoman. I don't think it is illegal. I seem to recall from my college Gov't classes that the War Powers Act (passed by congress) gives the President substantial power to wage war without congressional consent.

In short, congress can't bitch too much since they ceded the authority themselves. If they want it back, they should legislate appropriately.

Furthermore, I love the logic about the importance of our non-involvement in the civil wars of foreign nations. I have been hearing this a great deal in the media and on this forum.

Hunnh. Lessee...why did we win the Revolutionary War? Oh, yes, thats right. French intervention.


Is there a moral here? ;)

Mike :)

PS Standard disclaimer: yes, Clinton is an idiot. Yes, we're doing this all wrong. No, I ain't no steenkin liberal :)

[This message has been edited by Coronach (edited April 08, 1999).]