Great Gun Ownership test


New member
I had this e-mail sent to me by a friend. I think this is just great.

Gun Control is a divisive issue. Arguments are often based upon spurious statistics and raw opinion.

The requirements of the Second Amendment of the Constitution aside, Here is a simple test to determine the efficacy of home gun possession to reduce crime and to protect life and property:

> ALL LIBERALS post a 12/24 "sign on their front lawn saying simply:

"This House and Residents are UNARMED.
This is a Gun Free Zone.
Thank you for respecting our Feelings on this."

> ALL CONSERVATIVES post a sign saying:

"This House, its Contents, Residents and Guests are PROTECTED by ARMED CITIZENS.
We WILL defend what is lawfully ours."

In One Year, we shall compare the relative incidents of crime in both experimental groups. And let the chips fall where they may.

PS: If YOU were a crook ... which house would YOU rob?

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
Who needs crooks??!?Lets have the liberals post their signs first and then we armed conservatives can help ourselves to their houses,cars and daughters.......3d
Third Demon: hate to throw a wrench into your plan but when was the last time you looked at the first liberals daughter, I would rather take the hunting dog.
Gunfounder. Seriously, if you were stuck on a desert island with her, I guarantee you by the end of a month, she'd look great.
Actually when I compare her to my first wife, she don't look bad.
Paul B.