GREAT experience with a KelTec P-11

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Red Bull

New member
I got a KelTec P-11as a trade recently, and I must say that I was very skeptical.

I took it out to the range the first day (it had had less than 500 rounds through it by the previous owner) and tried it out:
The trigger is long and heavy! That is okay, I figure it is like a snubby: it is a true defensive gun for very close quarters. The heavy trigger is good for safety, since it has not other external safety.

The big shocker at first was how danged accurate it is! Of the many HK's and Sigs I have owned, when I take my time this KelTec is probably one of THE most accurate guns I have ever owned!!!!!!
With a two-handed hold, standing 15 yards from a paper target, taking my time (this was the first time I shot the gun), I drilled an entire magazine of 9mm into ONE RAGGED HOLE right over the bullseye.
I was aghast!
This gun is REALLY accurate and precise!!!
The only catch is, I have to take my time. If I hurry and fire fast, like "double taps", due to the heavy and long trigger, my groups go out the window. BUT, shooting fast at longer ranges is not what this gun is designed for. It is a hideout, backup defensive gun.

I figure it like this: IF I got in some crazy position where I need to make a precise head shot at 15 yards, the gun can EASILY do it if I hold my composure. I could put a bullet in someone's eye at 15 yards with no problem with time and composure.
When I don't have time and composure, trying to fire really fast at longer defensive ranges (like 15 yards), the groups get big....but, when I am standing 10 feet from someone and need to defend my life quickly, the accuracy under rapid fire is plenty good.

And, in the 500 rounds I put through it and along with the 500 rounds that my buddy put through it before, this gun has not had one malfunction of any kind!

This is what I think of my KelTec in a few words:
A 14 ounce gun that holds 12+1 rounds (yes, 13 rounds!!!**) of %100 reliable, and can drive tacks when called upon to do so. All this for only $200!!!

**(I have hi-cap 12-round mags with finger extensions that make the gun fit my hand perfectly).

I also added a Handal Jr and a pocket clip.
I polished the ramp with my Dremel tool to a mirror shine, but the gun was reliable before that. Other than that the P-11 is just like it came out of the box, no other gunsmithing.

There are a couple of bad things: I have to keep it wiped with a Tuf Cloth or the slide rusts when I sweat on it. I wish I had gotten the Stainless version, but it was a trade and had no choice.
Also: it is not a range gun. Just like the 12 ounce Titanium .38 revolver, it is a backup defensive gun, not a range gun.
The P-11 does not have sharp recoil at all, but the trigger does take a toll on the finger.
I usually shoot it about 20 rounds every time I go shooting, just before I leave. This is just enough to keep practiced up with it, and plenty enough to make sure that I, (and the gun), can do what we need to do when the time comes.

The thing is, with the pocket clip on it, and at 14 ounces, it ends up being the easiest gun to have around. I just stuff it in my pants or pocket and forget it is there. 13 rounds of 9mm on demand, in a very accurate and reliable pocket gun is about all any person could ask for as a backup.
I try to carry my G30 a lot, because I would rather have it when TSHTF. But, the reality is, the KelTec finds it's way into my waistband very often because it is so darn easy, and I don't feel particularly undergunned with the firepower it holds.

I have heard of people getting lemons, but my experience with the KelTec P-11 has been spectacular!

Ps- I carry 124gr Hydrashocks at the moment. They are totally reliable and very very accurate (I have tested them out to 15 yards)
If you haven't already done so, check out the Kel-Tec Owners User's Group at While not affiliated with Kel-Tec, there are many there who are close to the Kel-Tec organization and who have contributed to the gun's refinement. Many KTOG-designed enhancements have been incorporated into current production.

Full of tips/tricks to make the gun shoot better, and instructions on how to do your own gunsmithing with this gun. And you can.

Their instructions for a "fluff and buff", if followed, greatly smooths and seemingly lightens the trigger pull: no staging, no roughness. All you need is fine sandpaper and a dremel (or more sandpaper if you don't have a dremel.) Instructions on the site.

You can also get a .40 upgrade (new slide and barrel) quite reasonably, directly from Kel-Tec.

My only complaint about the P-11 is that I'm a reasonably good shot, but I just can't develop any effectiveness with the gun shooting weak hand. (I shoot in IDPA, and their drills and scenarios call for weak-hand only shots from time to time.) I don't have that problem with any of my other guns. I'll carry it less until I overcome that weakness.

Note: if your magazine holds 12 round (+1) then it isn't a stock Kel-Tec mag. It may be the .40 magazine; the P-40 uses the same frame and the magazine is almost identical in size.

Also, magazines for the S&W 59 and 69 series guns will work in the P-11, giving you 12 rounds(69) or 15 rounds (59). Generally speaking, its best to use real S&W mags, as the aftermarket versions of these mags are a real crap shoot: some work, some don't. You can get plastic spacers from Kel-Tec so that the extra mag length is covered and looks like part of the grip -- and the longer mags, while less concealable, do make the gun easier to hold. I have several of each.
Night sights are also available from the factory at a very reasonable price. They have their own website.

[This message has been edited by Walt Sherrill (edited October 07, 1999).]
Shucks...Walt said most of what I would've! :)

I have found my P11 ("Little Debbie") to be intrinsically accurate. I have been able to shoot a 1" square at 7 yards. I have shot 2 liter bottles at 30 yards, offhand. I am not a great shot, either.

As mentioned, the trigger pull can be smoothed. (The real problem is the creep, not the weight.) I have managed to do this, and I'm all thumbs...which is quite a sight. ;) All one needs is a Dremel and some jeweler's rouge.

Walt, RB is using 12-round S&W mags. RB, Mec-Gars will work just fine- in fact, the standard KT mag is made by Mec-Gar.

Jack Fusilier, of KTOG fame, can put a nickel finish on your gun. KTOG'ers get a discount.


Proud owner of "Little Debbie"/"Buffy" (P-11/40), "Zap" (Sub-9), and "Kate" (P-32)
That's what I need - the nickle finish. How much are we talking? I don't want to spend too much.
I went to the site but could not quite figure out how to join KTOG. Is there someone to email so I can join?
The KTOG is very informal. Your best bet is to subscribe to the KTOG list. Instructions below.

With regard to plating: check out Jack Fuselier's website. He does it for KTOG participants for $20 (plus shipping) and up, depending on the whistles and bells you add.

Because you will be shipping the slide only, you can use Priority Mail for $3.00.

My P-11 is hard-chromed, so plating hasn't been of interest to me, but many KTOG list members have had it done, and have been well pleased.


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