Great CCW Training Experience (Long)

XD Niner

New member
I had a great experience over the past two days when I participated in a NRA based CCW training session. We spent about four hours going over the “book” part of the program last night. It was based on the NRA publication, Pistol Shooting. It was taught by a local police detective named Alan Gray. He was a Marine Corps small arms instructor and special ops member before joining the local police department some time ago. He now trains the SWAT members as well as some other elite groups. He did a great job by imparting many lessons learned in addition to the information in the text. He also helped us understand the practical consequences of CCW and drawing a pistol if ever necessary. I aced my exam! ;)

Then today we hit the outdoor range for the hands-on aspects. There was just one other student, a nice young man in college, and me so we received lots of personalized attention. We spent five hours and 400 rounds of ammo doing way more than I ever expected when I signed up. As usual, the XD-9 performed flawlessly. :)

Safety was a major theme along with range etiquette. However, we shot from a few yards out to 20 yards, from nearly any position you can imagine, while moving, from behind cover and even with our eyes closed for one drill. We shot at paper targets as well as steel ones. It was a great experience and a ton of fun. More importantly, I learned a lot of practical lessons on safety and also managed to significantly improve my trigger control. I also out shot the college kid despite my 52 year old eyes and lack of Nintendo expertise. :D

This course definitely exceeded my expectations. This was the best $125 investment I’ve made in quite some time. If you can find something similar near you, by all means join in the fun and learn while you’re doing so.
That's the class I need to take next. My First Steps was about $75, so $125 for 2 days is pretty darn good.

Now if I can only find a decent used Glock 19 for around $400...
Sure wish I could find some training like that in south Alabama. How did you locate and get in touch with the trainer? Sounds like a very well spent $125. You can always find somewhere to shoot, but actual CCW and tactical training would be wonderful!
Lone Wolf,

I found him through the local range. He and anothe gent had a small ad on the range's web page. It was likely just luck on my part. He was a great teacher and I am planning on getting some one-on-one coaching from him after I practice a little more of what he already taught me.

I sent in the application for my CCW permit this weekend. It will be interesting to see how long it takes the State of Florida to process it. Hopefully, it won't be more that six weeks although they have 90 days.
I sent in the application for my CCW permit this weekend. It will be interesting to see how long it takes the State of Florida to process it. Hopefully, it won't be more that six weeks although they have 90 days.

As I recall, it only took about six weeks to get mine from Florida, and I applied for a non-resident permit. Washington state has no reciprocity agreements, so few states will honor my permit. With the Florida permit, I can now carry in another 20 or so states.