Great article!

Hey, another convert to the light, if I read the article correctly. You are right, a good article. Thanks

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Thanks, another one for my "quotes" archive.

Pizza delivery man and Stop 'n Rob employee were always two jobs I never permitted my kids to take, no matter how much they belly-ached.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Browsing around the site,
the most impressive thing was the
Editorial by a MA paper that said flat
out that owning a gun for protection
was not legitimate.

May their daughters work the night shift.
May their mothers run out of gas on a dark
May their sisters hear that door crack in
at night and find the phone dead.

Obviously, I really don't wish innocents harm
but I used to pick up my kid when she worked
the late shift in the mall. You see a lot
of neat people in the garage. Glad my
Glock 19 was with me. I first made friends
with the Security guys so they knew I
wasn't waiting for the little girls.

Great site by the way.