Grease or no?


New member
American Pioneer Powder recommends NOT using grease in revolvers actually makes it easier to clean.

Has anybody tried this? Sounds too good to be true.

I use Pyrodex and Crisco in/on my Old Army and, boy, I hate messing with Crisco. It would be nice to eliminate it.

Now it may be harder to ignight {sp} replica black powder but I sure would not like to take the chance of a possible chain fire which is one of the reasons of using Crisco or other types of grease over the loaded chamber as well as making the powder residue softer to make cleaning easier, but the only other alternative would be the use of lubricated wads between the powder charge & ball.

You may want to give the lubricated wads a try like the ones from they are quite resonable in price & seem to work quite nicely.
Ive used the APP powder with out lube many times ...sure makes things easy ..and cleaner ...if you do get a stuck cylinder pin will only take a tiny bit of water splashed on the pin and it will come right out ..APP makes it`s own lube when fired , but let it sit a few mins and it will harden up .
I use wads only as lube doesn't work well during the summer months in Arizona. Gets so bloody hot, the grease melts and causes a terrible mess.:D
Never tried grease, but the wads seem fine. Guns clean up easy enough.

I might enjoy making my own, so what size hole punch for .45? 12mm? 1/2 inch?
APP and Shockleys Gold , are both APP powders ..the Shockleys Gold may be a little more consistant in the grain size ....The App 2f is real chunky ..the 3f is much better .