Granny Vigilante Takes on Con Artist

I can see the movie now

Grambo takes on Terrorist Central

Granny was pretty quick with that I wonder if the guy left any deposits in his underwear?
lol, that's great,.. I think Granbo is a couple cards short of a full deck if u know what I mean.. I'm glad it's a story about that instead of a sad story about a senior getting scammed for tons of money though.. Yes, she was quick with that knife, I bet Gramps taught her some moves.
Really lucky. But I can't help but smile. Has an attitude like my grandma did. Tough as nails, and don't take no crap off nobody. My little 4 foot 10 grandma was tougher by far than some grown men I've met. And coulda whupped half of 'em! :D

Its just that when they get past a certain age, people need to realize that no matter how tough or spry the mind is, the aging body can be quickly overcome by an able-bodied, much younger foe....glad she's okay. And hope the swindler soiled himself.....
I'm surprised Granny didn't get arrested. Locks the poor little tyke in her house and won't allow him to leave (kidnapping), even though she hadn't been physically threatened, pulls a weapon on him (aggravated assault), said weapon being an unlawfully possessed switchblade (evil assault knife).

Hopefully the little turd learned a lesson.

Got to admire the old lady's sand, but I worry about these kinds of stories encouraging elderly folks to get physical with low lifes and end up getting badly hurt themselves. Those faced with a serious threat should be encouraged to employ more effective equalizers.
That old gal reminds me of Ma Boggs, the old lady in the Eastwood flick "Every Which Way But Loose". :D