graffiti guns?


New member
So few years back when I was buying a Yugo M48, I saw a whole lot of them with 90210 stickers and what looked like womens names carved in the stock's.Didnt get any because they where cheaper and not as cool as the clean ones. Only if I knew what I know now, I look back and kick myself in the a$$ because they where damn cool. Anyone seen or have graffiti type C&Rs?
Its pretty common on the Yugo guns (Mausers, SKS', AKs) My 59/66 SKS has a crudely carved Serbian coat of arms on the stock along with some other markings.

That's how I ended up with a couple extra Yugo SKS rifles. I kept ordering "shooter grade" trying to get a graffiti gun, but the all came looking like new. What a bummer :D
Authentic WWI trench art on rifles can bring a premium today. That could be the case with the Serb war rifles some day. I would buy one if offered.
We got one mixed in a large shipment of M59 SKSs - it had a pic of Pamela Anderson "appliqued" to the right side of the butt stock.
I bought a couple of the M1 Carbines that were imported from South America in the late 80s and one had "gomez" carved in the stock. It was pretty shallow and I sanded it off.
Hope I didn't mess up a bunch of important SA history..............