Graduates refuse to shake Clinton's hand


New member
I missed all but the tail end of a story about Clinton being at some college graduation, handing out diplomas today. Apparently 13 of the grads refused to shake his hand. More details are welcome from anyone that saw the story.

I know that nothing would be sweeter and make my hard work more worth it than to get to my graduation, and not only get my degree, but get to figuratively spit in Clinton's face at the same time. What a great day that would be. I definitly would have been the 14th not to shake his hand. Nothing would make me happier than to show him what I think of him like that. I envy those grads.
Not only is he a disgrace to our country and a threat to our freedoms, but I suspect that he was given an honorary degree by the University. Nothing enfuriates me more than for someone to get an honorary degree for free, when I am working my arss off all these years for one. What a smack in the face for all the hard working students, living in poverty for years to earn their degree the hard way.

From AP:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Clinton's speech to the University of Chicago Class of 1999 capped a 31/2-hour commencement ceremony. On stage, he offered a handshake to each of the 820 diploma-clutching graduates.

About a dozen, most of them women, marched determinedly past Clinton and his proffered hand. One of them, English literature major Sandra Ruiz, said later that, among other things: ``I don't believe in his war tactics, his policy in Kosovo.''[/quote]

According to my local newspaper, the university did not give him an honorary degree. He does not meet their standards for one.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>He doesn't even qualify to give the commencement address. Instead, he will be the "distinguished guest speaker."
...only faculty members give the commencement address and only leading academic scholars get honorary degrees.[/quote]
The fleeting joy from expectorating on Commando Supremo's face is poor compensation for the treatment received from the Secret Service.

An inadvertent sneeze with big globs of booger is equally rewarding and more difficult to prosecute. "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. President..."

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited June 12, 1999).]
Thirteen great kids. Their only problem now is Janet reno will probably go after the as subversives. BTW Thad. I'd have been number 15 with serious allergy sneezing problems.
Paul B.
"Most of them women....."

Damn, hell fire and great GD good!
I am not alone.....

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I wonder if it was a hygiene issue for any of the 13? Who knows what that guy has touched recently.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Unfortunately, it appears most of the grad's didn't shake Bill's hand because he isn't enough of a socialist for them.

The article I read indicated one woman didn't agree with his policy on Kosovo (no further explanation), and the rest apparently didn't like his 'free trade' policies. They thought he should have restricted trade more, to protect workers and the environment. It does not appear that most of them find Bill too hard on freedom ...
Think about this a moment. We are talking about The President of The United States of America here. The Office should deserve the utmost of respect. I was asked by Grambling State University to manufacture academic regalia for William Jefferson Clinton who was being conferred with an honorary doctorate of laws while being the speaker at their spring graduation. Everything aside, we produced the best that we knew how.
Hank you're right the office does deserve respect. but how can you respect the office, when you hold the occupant w/ such disdain?
i no ain't no president been nowhere close to perfect, but geez, this guy has been an embarrassment to the whole country. i feel sorry for the liberals who have to try and defend him. not only has he abused his power(how E.O's. has he handed down? had sex in the oval office, hell more things than i care to mention) but he is trying to take away our liberties hell, that's enough of that! gotta go cool off!!

what me worry? hell yes!!
I respect the office enough to wipe my feet before entering, but I sure as hell wouldn't sit on anything in there until the place gets fumigated.

People earn respect, offices are simply titles they hold or places they work.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
I understand your point Hank and at some time in history it was valid. Clinton is not merely incompetent( in that case your point is valid), he consciously and knowingly he disgraced the office and holds all the fundemental principles of this country's beliefs in contempt.
Honoring the office while he holds it just gives him a free ride and ticket to do more

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Hank, I'll respectfully disagree with you.

The office once deserved respect ... but not reverance. And, my money is on William Jefferson Clinton someday going down as the most corrupt, and probably criminal President we've ever had. The man is human trash, and deserves no slack whatsoever. He has done more to damage this country than any other President. He is darn lucky he's had a good economy (the only thing he did to help was avoid blocking free trade), relative peace, and wise financial advisors such as Greenspan and Rubin.

All luck? No, Bill is smart. But, he is also the most accomplished liar the American people will probably ever see ... if we're lucky.

I would consider it an honor simply to snub the b*****d.
The chinese have a saying when something doesn't smell right, it's easy to translate, just read phonically "Whoflungadung" Still trying to figure out how the majority are being governed by the minority. Something tells me it stinks up there. Whoflungadung? why 49 percent, thats new math majority. Beware the man that offers fishy smelling cigar!!! May not be cigar, just because it is round and brown, may not even be fish smell.
What Clinton has done to bring disrespect upon the office of the president is far more then any mere citizen ever could. If he can not respect the office how can anyone else? Hell Hillary can't even trust or respect him and she's married to the swine. I doubt if his own mother could respect him at this point. He doesn't even respect himself.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.