GP100 question


New member
On ruger GP100 on left hand side of the crane latch (crane latch you depress to unlock the cylinder to swing it open) and on right hand side of cylinder there is a slight curve on the body of the gp100 through which the ejection rod star goes in/comes out when you close/open the cylinder, the cartridge in the cylinder that rests next to the slight curve comes somewhat loose after you close the cylinder (due to there being a slight curve on the body of the revolver next to it?) and rattles.
my question( if you understood clearly what I wrote) is this normal? other cartridges don't do that only the one next to that slight curve does seems loose and rattles
The curve is necessary to allow the cylinder to swing into place properly. The result is that the cartridge over the curve has some back & forth play. That play is largely eliminated when it rotates into the firing position.

You can see the same type of design in other revolvers by other manufacturers.