gp100 grips


New member
Am i correct in assuming(probably not) that to replace the houge grips on a gp100 with gp100 rubber compact grips,(wth panels) all i need to do is purchase the compact rubber grips and also a gp100 grip locator pin?
That should be all that is needed, if you are buying the grips used most folks throw in the locator pin as most are going the other way -- from factory / OEM grips to the Monogrip hence no need for the locator pin.

Also the locator pin is only a big round dowel of alunimum. Anyone, I mean anyone could make one if you have a basic metal shop. Heck it might even be a stock size of round, I just had a GP apart, will have to measure next time. If you wanted to go really fancy you could make it out of stainless to even out the way the gun balances.