GP-100 Does this look right to you ?

GP-100 Cylinder (edited)

Is it normal to be able to push the cylinder forward so that it is flush against the forcing cone?

On mine, the cylinder has a little play back and forth. Push it forward and it is flush with the forcing cone, pull it back gently and there is a small gap (just large enough to pull a piece of paper through).

Does that sound like the right tolerance? Is the cylinder supposed to have a little give in it (front to back?)
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Have you called Ruger? It sounds like your GP-100 has a number of little things not quite right with it.
The cylinder should have just a little movement, a few thousandths of an inch. It should not contact the forcing cone of the barrel. Make sure the forcing cone isn't coated with powder fouling and lead before you send the gun back to Ruger. If the contact is not due to a buildup on the forcing cone, the gun needs to go back to Ruger.
Mr. Jack Weigand has posted that the cylinder "end-play" you speak of should be between .0005-.001. Any more is excessive.

BTW:He is an EXCELLENT pistolsmith.
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When measuring the cylinder "end-play" Do you do that with the revolver in lockup or with the cylinder open.
Also what is the ususal cause for excessive end play.

Cylinder closed, hammer down, finger pressure only.

Push and hold the cylinder as far to the rear as you can and measure cylinder gap. Then push and hold it as far forward as you can and remeasure the gap. If the difference is more than .001, you have excessive end play.