GOV: LEO conversation(incarceration/rehabilitation/society)

had an interesting conversation with an Arizona probation ofc. Gist of it was:

1. practically all the incarcerated people came from broken families (out-of-wedlock, single parent, divorced, step-children)

2. rate of recidivism was greater than 50%

3. rehabilitation doesn't work unless that individual is wiling to
change from inside just like AA program

4. even if illegal drug was 100% legalized and price of addictive
drugs dropped to that of normal level, drug users will still commit
crime since drug addition and normal work life are not compatible with
each other

5. absence or lack of presence of an active father is a major factor
in teenagers becoming future adult criminals and drug users

6. one of the most effective ways to reduce crime in our society is to have intact family(children under first time marriage with biological mother & father) and responsible parents, esp. fathers.

outside of conversation with LEO:
1. normalization of divorce, cohabitation, and out-of-wedlock children (Hollywood media) in present day society presents adverse incentive for families to stay together under marriage.

2. before 1960s, there was social stigma associated with divorce and shacking up. This resulted in more stable family through social framework that encouraged intact family rather than me first society(society that put welfare of children first instead that of parents).

3. no fault divorce and normalization of shacking up decreased individual incentive to maintain an intact family since the benefits of marriage can be obtained outside of marriage and whenever barriers in marriage are encountered, it can be easily resolved through divorces.

Last time I heard, cohabitation before marriage increases future disposition to divorce by 40%. Probability of divorce after first marriage is even higher.
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The views presented make perfect sense in my POV. Unfortunately they also suggest individual responsibility and that's a concept many are unwilling to associate with any social problems.
The views presented make perfect sense in my POV. Unfortunately they also suggest individual responsibility and that's a concept many are unwilling to associate with any social problems.

+100 to you and the OP
even if illegal drug was 100% legalized and price of addictive
drugs dropped to that of normal level, drug users will still commit
crime since drug addition and normal work life are not compatible with
each other

Uhmm does that refer to currently legal drugs that addictive like caffiene/alcohol/nicotine?

Or if it is referring to drugs like opiates how come under the British NHS many addicts kept jobs and lived pretty much a normal life except for going down to the Dr's office to get their daily fix. Worked pretty good until they changed the system.
