GOV/LE: why public police is not the answer: universal ticket

This is an argument for why police should be privatized. Just changing couple of personnels does nothing to change the culture and infrastructure of an organization.


Investigators: Texas Cops Made Homeless, Prostitutes Sign Blank Tickets
Saturday, December 15, 2007

DALLAS — Two Texas police officers frequently made homeless people
and prostitutes sign blank tickets so they could later fill them out
with whatever offenses they chose, according to a Dallas Police
Department investigation.

Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle said investigators concluded the two
officers used the blank tickets as a law-enforcement tool against
habitual offenders. If those offenders always had unpaid tickets, then
officers could obtain arrest warrants and take people into custody at
any time, Kunkle said.

"It's hard for me to understand any circumstances where that would be
appropriate," Kunkle told The Dallas Morning News. "It certainly
violates fundamental fairness if people don't have the opportunity to
know what they're being charged with or get proper notification."

A formerly homeless man interviewed by investigators said he was a
frequent target.

"They had me signing blank tickets every time they seen me," said the
man, R.B. Barton.

The two accused officers are Senior Cpl. Timothy Stecker and Senior
Cpl. Jeffrey Nelson. Stecker had previously been cleared of charges
related to his ticket writing but was placed on restricted duty
Friday. Nelson is already on restricted duty for a pattern of
misconduct related to ticket writing, police said.

They are likely to face disciplinary action; a hearing on their cases
is scheduled for Tuesday.

An attorney for the two men said they are good officers who have been
treated unfairly by the department's investigators.

"The way this investigation has been conducted, the length of time
that it has taken the department, and just the way that this
investigation was initiated and continues to be modified continually
by the department has been very unfair to the officers," said the
attorney, Haakon Donnelly.
I see a story about the majority (good cops) rooting out unethical/illegal behavior of the minority (bad cops).

I see a message being sent that such behavior won't be tolerated.

I see, ultimately, the ethical and legal "behavior bar" being moved higher because of the efforts of the majority.

Anyway, that's what I see.
it's best if police forces are privatized and each officer has to
purchase malpractice insurance like doctors...that's way, ofc who are
prone to rough handling and loss of control as well as unwarranted
shooting/torture(Chicago just paid $20M for torture confirmed by
prosecutors in 1970/1980s) will pay for their incompetency. Today,
taxpayers pay and ofc/supervisor/chief just get time off at tax
payer's expense...Dallas PD and other departments have had a very long
history of corruption and nothing changed.

the reason why post office people are nice but incompetent is due to system
Malpratice Insurance for cops. What the heck have you been smoking. :confused:

You want the cops to be run like an HMO or something, I think we had this discussion a couple of months ago, anyone remember what the thread was called.
Power corrupts.

My Dad said it all changed when the police stopped calling us citizens and started calling us civilians. Doesn't that make them a standing army? Certainly in some neighborhoods they act like an occupying force.

Privatizing the police is the most ridiculous idea I've heard all week; if the police don't work for a legitimate (elected, accepted by everyone) Gov't, then they're just mercenaries hired by one warlord or another, and Civil War can't be far behind.
When I worked as a civil servant (teacher) several years ago I purchased "Professional Liability" insurance. After a few years I realized I had nothin' to take and canceled the policy.

I can't figure out how privatization will fix the broken police system. Would a privatized judicial system be far behind?