gov. for officer fair trade?

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I have a MKIV series 80 Bright ss enhanced gov.model.

My local dealer want's to trade me straight up for a brand new stainless officers .45acp.

My gun is like new with about two hundred rounds through it.

This is my only handgun it stays at home for self defence .Is this a lop sided trade?

Just trying to not get taken.
Thanks to all.
What's in it for you?

You've got a full-size .45 that clearly funtions. You don't have to carry it concealed.

You'll get a slightly smaller .45 that may or may not function. There is no advantage to be gained from its smaller size in the context your describe.

I'd keep the Government model.
I'd keep the Gummint Model. It's the best of the 45s, IMHO.

There is the science of Ballistics and the Art of Bullistics
Yankee Doodle
In terms of book value, trading your Govt. Model for your dealer's OACP is probably a fair deal. But why do it? If your pistol shoots well, why trade it for another one that might not? Why go to a smaller pistol that's harder to shoot, holds fewer rounds, and delivers less muzzle velocity with more blast and flash?
I've used and toted various Govt models for about 30 years ranging from GI rattlers to well smithed Camp Perry rebuilds. I had an Officer's Model for about 6 months,which required lots of smithing just to make reliable. I seriously doubt I'll ever get another one.It was hard to control,hard to hit with,and no easier to carry/conceal that a full size one.

Current GM was made in 43,has Brit proofs, and will feed an empty, sized, case. That OM was finicky,even after tweaking,with anything but ball.
Agreement with the responses. Either hang on to your full size 1911 or get yourself a Glock 30 or Para Ordinace P13, but not an Officer's Model Colt!
I too would have to stay with the GOVERNMENT model especially since your one gun is for home defense!!!

The .45 is a BIG round and better shot out of a big GUN...

The GOVERNMENT model is the gun which the .45 was originally designed for...

Just because the OFFICERs model is new does not make it better...

There are plenty of "NEW" guns that aren't even in the same class as your GOVT!!!

Esard. DON'T DO IT! In the November issue of SHOOTING TIMES Ask the Experts section, someone asked if there was anyway to make his Officer's Model more reliable.

Q "I have a Colt Officer's Model .45 ACP that I have sent to several gunsmiths for reliability work. It is now more reliable than it was originally, but it still has the occasional feeding or ejection problem. I bought this compact handgun for self-defense, but now I find that I can't depend on it in a life or death situation. Can you suggest some remedy for my problem?"

A "Colt makes many fine products, but the Officer's Model is not one of them. I have seen many Officer's Models, and some small compact models produced by other manufacturers that simply will not function 100 percent of the time no matter how much time and effort is put in by the gunsmith. In my opinion, the Officer's Model simply does not have enough recoil spring to stand up to the hotter self-denense loads."
It was signed Jim Clark Sr., Clark Custom Guns.
Doesn't really address your problem, but it does let you know that the whole series definitely has a problem. Bet that's why your dealer is trying so hard for the trade. My advice?

Keep your full size .45 ACP.
Paul B.
Greetings; As my friend Walt stated, "What's
in it for you"? I'd stay with the Government
Model, also. Colt's of today are not the same
as Colt's from yester year !!!

Ala Dan
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