Gov. Bush Sued


Staff Emeritus
ACLU of Texas Sues Gov. Bush, State Officials
Over Arrest of Demonstrators

Monday, August 30, 1999

AUSTIN, TX -- Acting on behalf of protestors who were arrested while
exercising their free speech rights, the American Civil Liberties Union of
Texas today filed a lawsuit against Gov. George W. Bush and the Texas
Department of Public Safety.

The ACLU announced the lawsuit at a news conference this afternoon
outside the Governor's Mansion, where peaceful, non-disruptive
environmental protesters have been arrested at least four times since
March and threatened with arrest if they protest again.

Although prosecutors dismissed all charges against the protestors, the
ACLU said the Governor has maintained the right to arrest them, saying
in an April 1999 news conference that "the rules have changed." But
despite the ACLU's repeated requests, state officials have not provided a
copy of the "revised" rules -- or any rules at all.

"These hidden rules that essentially give unlimited police discretion to
exclude and arrest critics, when they make criticism in public, violate
Texas Constitutional rights to free speech, petition, equal protection, due
process, and freedom from unreasonable seizures," the ACLU's complaint

"What is clear about this pattern of arrests is that it was designed to
intimidate and harass protestors -- not to keep the sidewalks clear for
pedestrians," said Jay Jacobson, Executive Director of the ACLU of Texas.

For years, the Governor's Mansion has been the regular site of press
conferences, rallies, informational pickets, and protests by people with
opinions on many issues. But beginning in March 1999, police officers
began to selectively warn protestors that they were subject to arrest.

On at least four different occasions, the ACLU's complaint said, citizen
groups were arrested when they did not disperse quickly enough to suit
state police officers. The groups were critical of state policies encouraging
industrial pollution and had urged passage of laws to clean Texas air. But
their lobbying and public education efforts were stymied, the ACLU said,
when they were arrested and forced to disperse.

"This case is being brought under the free speech and assembly sections
of the Texas Bill of Rights," said David Kahne, an ACLU cooperating
attorney. "We are asking the court to secure the most basic of
fundamental rights – that of political expression in a public forum."

Although charges were dismissed against all of the protesters, the ACLU
said a threat remains, because the Department of Public Safety is still
asserting the right to bring new charges against these same people, and
has said that the decision to bring the charges would depend on whether
the protestors continue to seek to express their opinions.

The case, Texas United Education Fund, Inc. v. Bush, is being brought in
state court in Travis County, Texas, on behalf of Texans United Education
Fund, Inc., Downwinders at Risk, and individuals Rick Abraham, Roger
Baker, and Jim Baldauf.

Defendants in the case are George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, and the
Texas Department of Public Safety and its Commissioners, James B.
Francis, Robert B. Holt, and M. Colleen McHugh.

Attorney David Kahne of Houston is lead counsel for the ACLU, working
with Terrill L. Flenniken of Brenham and David Kairys of Philadelphia.
The ACLU needs to file A LOT MORE SUITES just like this one.
As does the folks who got arrested.

This is the WEAPON WE HAVE to fight the system. Fight Fire WITH Fire. If Big Brother stretches the law and infringes (Yes I said "infringe") a law suit should be filed.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
God knows, the ACLU can, on occasion, give me MAJOR heartburn (especially 2nd Amendment stuff), but Good on 'em in this case. They may be doing it to weaken Bush vis-a-vis Gore, but government HAS to be bitch-slapped
when they act like that. At this point, sic 'em, ACLU!

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I wonder what would have happened had we held our RKBA demonstration on Aug 21st.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 04, 1999).]
If "W" is willing to scrap the First Ammendment, think of what he might do to the Second!
Third party candidates are looking better all the time.
George Bush's goon squad detained Alex Jones at a news conference for a half hour because Alex asked some questions Bush didnt want to hear. The arrogent Bush is part and partial of the same elite system Klinton and Hillary belong to. These elites are all working towards the same end: one world system where only the elites will have any say. The difference between Bush and Klinton is that Bush would kill us slower than Big Comrade.
Can't believe you guys! Standing for the ACLU? The BIGGEST hypocritical group I've EVER seen?!! They won't fight for YOUR second amendment rights. They only fight FOR whatever is AGAINST good,righteous,honorable things. The Anti Christian Liberties Union. This group is the Devils tool piece! Anything they stand for is usually wrong or bad. You can BET theres a underlying motive in this case,too,or they would'nt be involved. They're probably there to harass the Governor for no particular reason except to give him bad press. The ACLU is a worthless,devildog outfit........plain and simple.
I kinda liked George when he first started his campaign, but the more I watch and listen to him, the less I trust. Just kind of a gut feeling thing. But who else is there? Yes, I know Dennis :) But who else? Are there any other choices?


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited September 07, 1999).]