gotta love it


I was finishing a zero check after cleaning and remounting my Form 1 22lr can on the 10-22. Son drove in and was tinkering with a little project. I fired the final 3 shots and was putting the rifle away when Son came over and commented he didn't hear the shots (100' away) but clearly heard the clank on the gong(100 yards away).
That's why we like them.
I do most all my subsonic testing at my gun club's 200 meter range. We have a 14" gong and a human silhouette gong. Next to our 200 range is our handgun range. Almost every range trip fellow members will come over to inquire and chat about my subsonic suppressed rifle. Women shooters seem to be especially curious. I always let fellow shooters try a shot suppressed. I hear so many new and unique sounds shooting subs that I never knew existed. I actually hear the bullets spin vortex as it's traveling downrange if all is quiet on the firing line. I'm shooting 180-200 gr bullets at about 1025 fps so when shooting 200 meter subs I need to dope up about 30 moa from my equivalent 200 meter supersonic zero. There's about a 2 second delay from the faint snap shot fired to the healthy gong "DING" sound ! LOVE IT !