Gotta go. Time to oil the garden.

It's not as though we haven't been warned. So many people want to stab us in the back that they are now required by federal law to take a number. Just kidding, maybe.

For all of the 23 years I have owned firearms, the lefties have been telling any and all that they are going to outlaw firearms, a bit at a time. Yesterday, I heard a 'conservative' talk show host in Seattle (Mike Gallager 1300 AM) pitch a little fit in support of the latest gun grab(private background checks at gun shows - it's hard to keep up with tyranny). With almost Hitlerian passion he screeched, 'We have to do something!!!! Gun owners are stupid for not supporting this law. All the problems are the fault of the NRA lobby. Anyone who thinks the government wants to take you guns is a paranoid delusional idiot...blah blah blah'. I thought he was going to blow a gasket for a minute.

There are many patriotic people in America but I am becoming increasingly convinced that the population of America is too stupid to maintain a Representative Republic. Prudent preparations are in order. I am not giving up, but sh*t happens and I think we'll need waders. BTW, any others worth joining besides NRA, GOA, RKBA and Washington State Pistol Association?
If they keep pushing it, they will find out
that Mao was right: Power growns out of the barrel of a gun.

How many guns do the bleeding-heart liberals have?

I'm feeling REAL mean today :(
I hate to tell you this, but the NRA is part of the problem. Sen. Craig, who is on the NRA board of directors, helped to reverse the Senate's vote on background checks. The NRA has actually pushed for gun control measures many times, and caved in too many times to count. That being said, today I resigned my NRA Life membership, and it was one of the more difficult things I have ever done. I stayed with them for years after I became disgruntled with them, yet I find I can do it no longer.

I have joined JPFO, as they seem to tell it like it is, without apology. GOA is the best if you still feel there are legislative means to fight our fight.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken
I hear you guys. I canceled my NRA membership two months ago. My feeling up until then had been 'the devil you know is better than the one you don't'. What I can't understand is why the socialists pick on the NRA to the virtual exclusion of most of the other rights groups. The NRA seems to bend over more easily than anyone else. That being said, I'll stop mincing words. Are we going to have to fight?
Yep - but it's going to be one at a time one every day or so and there will be either little or no media coverage or a smear campain about the right wing militia nut that was found "with an arsenal of weapons and ammo". Unfortunatly, his/her house cought fire and, oh by the way, they beat their kids and had weird religious leanings.. Bet on it. Giz

Unless they gain control of the internet (which has already begun) we will be able to make a lot of noise when it begins.

They will try to do it one at a time just like Giz said and you can bet on media coverage with lots of words like "assault rifle", "arsenal", "thousands of rounds of ammo", "ties to hate groups", "internet network of gun nuts" and "obviously preparing for a massacre".

The majority of the people will not believe what's really happening - "our government wouldn't do that!" - The only thing we have going for us is actually Clinton. He is already loathed by the military and law enforcement and now he's pissing-off the CIA. Bad move Bill...

Go pull up the National Libertarian website. Read the position papers.
Vote Libertarian. Get your spouse to vote Libertarian. Get your gun buddies to vote Libertarian.
The Republicrats have screwed us from the beginning, its time for a change. We can keep voting them in and eventually give up every civil liberty recognized in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or we can vote for the only party devoted not just to holding the line, but to dismantling all the legislation forced on us for the last 60 years.
Get educated before its too late.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
This is difficult for me to post, so bear with me. What is the NRA's job description?
For what purpose do they solicit money from the members?
Ostensibly, it is to fight for our rights to keep and bear arms. That's what they keep telling us. Why aren't they doing it? Why do they keep on "sleeping with the enemy?" Slowly compromising our rights away? What is going on?
Why is it that members, such as Neal Knox, who are dissenters threatened by expulsion? (There is a movement by the NRA honcho's to bar Knox as a member for life.)
Let me see if I have this right. They take our money to fight gun control, and don't really do it, except in a half ass compromising manner. I'm not real hip on the law, but it sounds mighty like fraud to me. Or close to it.
I'm not saying the NRA is bad. I'm saying that in my opinion, the leadership has sold us out, in order to keep their (rumored) very fat paychecks. As long as gun control is as issue, these leaders will have jobs.
The last time they had an election, they published a list of people "not to vote for." I searched around and found out they were supporters of Neal Knox, the man they want out permanently. I voted for all of them.
Now I don't know if you know who he is, but let me say this. He is as pro-gun and 2nd Amendment, as all of Slick Willies crew combined is anti-gun. This is my opinion of the man. But this makes him as pro-gun as I am.
I'm sorry, I've strayed from where I wanted to go.
Considering that the NRA is apparently not doing what it is supposed to be doing, what should the members do? Write en mass and tell the to get on the stick? I doubt that they will listen. They're just as elitist as our representatives in Congress.
I won't quit my membership. (LIFE) I will not send any more money till they do what they are supposed to do.
Class action lawsuit? Wouldn't the anti's love that one.
I've been a member of one sort or another since 1955, became a lifer in 69 or 70. I don't remember. I was considering becoming an endowment member, but to hell with that.
Maybe the answer is this. Write the NRA, to Heston, and LaPierre, and tell them, NO MORE MONEY! Tell them, win, lose or draw, COMPROMISE IS NOT AN OPTION! If at least half of the donating members quit sending money, and give them the message, maybe they'll get it. Pass the word.
Paul B.
I am not sending the NRA anymore money. When my membership is up, that's it.
All of my money is going to <A HREF="">GOA</A> and <A HREF="">JPFO</A>.
I will be sending any monies I would be sending to the NRA to these two no compromising groups and I suggest everyone do the same. Until the NRA see that what they are doing will cost them members they will continue to compromise.
Well I cant condone all that NRA has been unable to defeat, although Id like too., I rejoined after a couple of years absence and next payday will join the jpoa(?), or the goa and will continue membership in all of them and I will each payday send $5. to each organization. Like it or not they are the organizations that are fighting for the second amendment, Im not saying support them whole heartedly--when they screw up let em know and I only joined for ayear and Ill reevaluate each year...for me this decision had to come about after some thought, cause quite honestly we are in a fight for our gun owning lives and any organization fighting for us Ill try to support....compromises....I cant stand em, but its not the nra, its the durn politicians and we might have to learn to fight smart not all or nothing....fubsy.