Got to Love Those Phantom Rounds.....


New member
You know the ones I'm talking about. You aim, you fire and your hitting the target real well. Then, you fire a shot and.... huh? where did it go??!! You look.. nope, can't see it on the target. Then you think, is it lodged in the barrel?? Nope, not there either. Now where the heck did that round get to??

It is a mystery some times :confused:

Happened today at the range. Was shooting my SP101 and hitting nice, so I put it away and took out my shotgun since I've been slacking and haven't shot it in a while. Started off with some bird shot to get the juices flowing, then moved to some buckshot. I noticed I had a 5-round box of PMC high velocity slugs in the bag and decided to end the day off on a bang (nuck-nuck).

Put the target out to the end of the range (them's the rules at our range for shotgun indoors) and shot off the 5 rounds. The last round .. well... dang-nab-bit, I have no idea where it got itself to. Didn't even hit the cardboard backing, lol.

Oh well, one of life mysteries.. I still say some kind of trans-dimentional warmhole opens up and swallows them up from time to time. That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;) :D

Oh yeah.. and I almost forgot how fun it is to shoot the ol' 12 gauge. I'm going to have to remember to bring it more often :)

Yes, I certainly have fired rounds that must have went through the same hole. But that wasn't believed from the most part and I lost 5 points.

However, once at a very close target that we were supposed to shoot and then move - I fired two and only saw one hole. I fired again - only one hole!

Thus, again - finally saw another. The SO cracked up and said that two went in the first hole. But this was at a couple of yards so no great feet. :D
You have 3 shots in one large hole at 9 o'clock that cuts the 10 ring and X ring. One shot each cutting the rings and one in between.

Heh, I wish that was the case.. and if I was to lie, I would go along, lol. :D

But, I'm man enough to own up to missing everything, somehow, on that last shot. I, too, thought I had three in that area, but when I pulled the paper off my cardboard backing, there was only two shots that hit there. The missing paper in the middle of those two most have gotten blow away when the second shot hit that area. The backing had two very distinct holes that were separated by cardboard between them.

And to my chagrin.. the cardboard backing was huge compared to the target I had taped to it. My local rage requires the purchase of the big cardboard backers when shooting shotgun, so you can tape your target a bit lower.. to save the hangers from buckshot. Since I only shot 5 slugs, it was easy o tell where they hit compared to the bird,buck and .38 special I was shooting before.

True, its been a while since I shot the shotgun and I was only using a bead sight, but I usually don't miss so badly. The target was only 20 yards out.

Worm holes, I tell you... Wormholes!!