Got this from The White House today

you should be jealous...


(your scanner is better, but my card is better....)


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-11-98).]
The only way you get one of these is to contribute to the Democratic National Committee :) I can't believe you even shared this with TFL, Rich. No one is going to want to play with you anymore.
Ah, secret's out! When I sold my business in 1994 and took over as Pres of the subsidiary, the CEO strong-armed us into attending a Clinton dinner.

I tried to make up for the transgression by becoming a major fund raiser in Jeb Bush's bid for Governor and of lesser assistance, on a private basis, in George's Pres run. (Parenthetically, I never did like the people I sold to. I walked away from a 3 year employment contract after 3 months.)

Anyway, I've been on every sucker list since. Considering I am a registered Independent, I find this amusing.

Like I said, should I be braggin' or complainin'?
Rich a true Washingtonian, let me just say, in answer to your question...I like the Glock card.
'Better hold onto it, though. Like him or hate him, if he gets impeached it might be worth the money you shelled out to get into that dinner. :)
Yeah, I'm independent, too.
Are you one of those guys who was "asked" to give a $XXXX donation and then was given an $XXXX bonus on the next pay cycle?
Are you going to be called as a witness by the independant council ?? ;)

Kinda cruel of Susan to expose your transgression like that (I like that in a woman..).

And you've not had the opportunity to meet this outstanding young lady. No, I wasn't compensated in the pure sense. Per my email to you, after leaving before the Clintons arrived, however, it became quite a bargain.
Rich - OK, I won't pick on you anymore. The "outstanding" and "young" thing got to me...

Rob - You ain't seen nothin. :) BTW, I notice that you tag essayon on your messages. I can't remember what this means, but if I remember correctly it is the motto of the Army Corps of Civil Engineers. I did an exhibit of photos of Corps projects years ago, and I titled it "Essayon!" Remind me what it means...
Susan S,

You're probably more close to the heart of the matter than you realize. I understand through reasonably unreliable sources that he ordered two imprint plates for his addressograph machine: one for checks to the DNC, the other to the RNC. Obviously, he fully understands (as does any successful Capitalist) the opportunistic value of feeding chaos, ergo the timely political donations to counter-poise the political milieu. Independent? Nah, he's the mastermind!
Susan, see "Latinisms" elsewhere in the General Section.

You are correct that it is used by the Army COE.

(New to site)

Rich, you're making copies of the card and using them for long distance targets, aren't you?

- Ron V.

Welcome. Actually, I've had a Scattergun Tech, Remington 870 on order. I figure I can pattern it on the card and then laminate it to the stock.