got these old nickel guns... how much clean up & how to keep them nice ???

Ok... my question is conerning 3 particular types of guns... ( all of which are old top breaks, not that that matters on preserving a nickel gun )

1) original nickel & engraved...

2) original nickel... maybe a few blemishes...

3) re-nickeled guns...

I have an old Safety Police that is factory nickeled & engraved... it has a nice brown "patenina" in the engraving... what is the best way to preserve this gun's condition ??? will that "rust" in the engraving start lifting the nickel over the years ??? will oil soaking in in these areas get under the nickel & cause it to flake ??? ( most of these are newly aquired, I wanted to add a few top breaks to my revolver collection, so I haven't had them long enough to know much, or do any cleaning on them yet ) I do have an old nickel plated 22 ( non top break revolver ) that is in the #2 condition, & it has been stored pretty dry ( minimal oil ) for the last 15 or 16 years, & seems to not have deteriourated any... but some of these top breaks I'd like to shoot occasionally, so I'd feel the need to oil them more than the little 22, but you often see guns with lots of flaking, & I want to make sure a blemish in the nickel doesn't turn into a flakey gun down the road... can I use a polishing compound like Flitz & hand polish any of these guns to remove light scratches ??? I'd assume the renickeled guns would be ok to polish ??? not sure on the guns with original nickel...

none of these guns are valuable enough that cleaning up would decrease the value, so what would you guys recommend as best ways to clean up these guns & keep them looking as good as possible while I own them ???

Clean it up with a small dab of Flitz on a soft cloth. Rub gently and slowly and sparingly. When you get it looking like you want, put a nice coat of Renaissance Wax on it to preserve the finish. That should do it.

"RENAISSANCE WAX is used in the following places in the U.S. - The Smithsonian Institute, Colonial Williamsburg Conservatory, Abraham Lincoln Residence, Vicksburg Military Park and Museum, Henry Ford Museum, Academy of Arts, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NRA Museum, Rockefeller Restorations, Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Hilton Hotels, BYU Museum of Art, National Ornamental Metals Museum, as well as other museums, government agencies, craftsmen, collectors both professional and amature alike.

In the United Kingdom it is used in the British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Buckingham Palace, Military Museums at Aldershot, H.M. the Queens Royal Armourer, The National Museum of Antiquities - Scotland, Royal Armories (London & Leeds), The Imperial War Museum, Windsor Castle, and The Tower of London."