Got the deal of the century today!


So i stopped by the local pawn shop today to look around, and ended up getting the best deal i have ever seen or heard about. A .40 cz75 dao for $224.99! Needless to say i have a new addition to my collection. I'm curious to know if anyone has had a similar experience lately or am i just that lucky?
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Man, that's a heckof a deal- especially for a pawn shop. I hope all of it's innards are in order- does make one wonder how they let it out the door at such a price.

I need to run around with you the next time I go shop hopping!
Yeah it wouldn't be the first time. I've seen a 10ga sxs there for$250, and a .243 remington 770 for $149. I think they're so used to selling jiminez and high point they've forgotten what guns should cost lol
I bought a S&W model 19-4 in the box last week at Bass Pro of all places. After a discount and using my rewards points it was $295 out the door.
Evidently they're pricing them based solely on a markup % of what they paid some poor sapsucker (or thief), rather than actually researching market value. Good for you; bad for the sapsuckers.
A pawn shop near me somehow became overstocked with SIGs and are selling them at $5-$20 over their cost, just to get them out the door
Sounds like Mike and I visit the same pawn shops.
OP, you better go buy up all their guns before they go out of business for giving their product away.
$224.99 for a 40 S&W DAO CZ-75 is a steal. I paid $350 for my old CZ-75A and this was before they were imported into this country (some serviceman brought it back from Europe).