Got Questions About Federal Gun Laws?


New member
Have them answered at this site, pertaining to Federal gun Laws ..

I printed out all 54 pages of this to carry with me to FFL dealers that dont know what they are talking about when they quote some non existant rule or refuse to accept a FFL law regarding the transfer or shipping of or carrying a gun..
That is a great site but if I'm talking to a FFL that doesn't know the laws or what he's doing I'll find one that does.

I havent met one FFL dealer that knows what he is talking about when it comes to the Federal Laws, or the state laws either...They all seem to have their own ideas about what is what..:eek:
My dealer seems very knowledgeable and isnt a know it all. He has, and is very willing to bring out the regs and look up and/or go over something with you if you have a question. He'll also call ATF if you dont want to if he doesnt have the answer.

There still are good people who really try out there if you look.
Mission creep now a full gallop?

From your link:

B17) How do I obtain a classification from ATF for my "potato gun?" [Back]

Any person desiring a classification of a “potato gun,” “spud gun” or similar device must submit a written request (not e-mail) to the Director and include a complete and accurate description of the device, the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the purpose for which it is intended, and such photographs, diagrams, or drawings as may be necessary to make a classification. A final determination may require physical examination of the device. Such requests for classification should be submitted to: Bureau of ATF, Firearms Technology Branch.

I wasn't aware that ATF was unilaterally expanding its domain to include these... could someone please post the relevent law (hint - there isn't one).

Stay tuned for the next federal assault on youtube terrorists, i.e., illegal manufacturers of pvc spud launchers. Your tax dollars at play.

Next ball cannons. :p