Got photos?


New member

I have been lurking and have heard mention of suspicious roadblocks. I have also been told of "concentration camps" that have been built, but are not currently occupied. Needless to say this concerns me. What I am interested in is finding a website or other resource that shows some pictures of these activities. Not to be rude or insulting, but a picture says a thousand words and I would sure like to see em if someones got em.

Thanks in advance,

It's not paranoia, they really are out to get me.
About five years ago, a friend of mine in GA was planning on going into the Army, much against his father's wishes. His father's friend talked him out of it, being some sort of ex-Colonel or something, and made mention of something indicating that, indeed, there were some sort of camps established where US Citizens were being held against their will (and I'm not talking about lawbreakers, either).

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
FWIW... A disturbing number of America's prisons are sitting empty at this very moment. Hey, Big Brother's gonna need someplace to put those that don't fall into lockstep (read "gunowners") with their ideas when TSHTF.
I don't usually get involved in these kinds of discussions, but here is a page that has a few pics:
But I'm not too sure about the accuracy of this site.
On another note, I've been told by a reliable source about one that was built in less than two months, deep inside a National Forest near here. I had to see it for myself, and did. The scary part is the big red stars on the military vehicles parked inside. I am planning on going back with a camera, but there has already been a couple of people found with holes in them near this "camp".
Hello to all.I'm a newbie also.Ummmm..outlaw1
what state did you see this at?I went to that site and saw none for Miss.Are we to be G.pigs for something or other?We usally are.Heads up if something happens here.
It's in NC, and I'm about 30 miles from the forest. I found out at a gunshow from a good friend who lives at the edge of this National Forest, and knows his way around it pretty well. He was telling me back in May that he thought someone was building a large landing strip for hunters with planes.
The next time I saw him in July he said "You know that landing strip I was telling you about? Well guess what...."
Oh yeah, this area of the Forest is included in Klintons "off limits" land.
I don't think that website is updated very often or very trustworthy, but one thing is for sure, something smells rotten!

Happiness is a tight group!
What mention of concentration camps?? A thread?

Roadblocks by LE are everywhere and legal (some people feel that they're wrong and some sheeple are all for 'em). Border Patrol runs one on I-10, I-25, US 70, and the back road from Las Cruces to Hatch (I forgot the number) in NM looking for wets and drugs. The local gestapo does the DUI checks all the time, check ABQ or Roswell news in NM.
The concentration camps is from a co-worker of mine. Still hoping to find some evidence of their existence. BTW Outlaw 1, thanks for the link, interesting, but still not conclusive.

The roadblocks I am referring to are the ones involving all these black garbed, machine gun toting unknown agency types. I have heard of them, but not seen any proof. I too have been stopped at roadblocks, but it has always been very obvious which agency they are with. I don't like em either, but this talk of unknown agencies seems a little ridicilous, but I can be pursuaded with some proof. Sorry if I don't believe this stuff without some proof, but I am a paranoid skeptic.

Thanks again for all your responses,

It's not paranoia, they really are out to get me.
I've only seen one post about 'men in black' roadblocks. It was in Utah. Is this the one that you refer to? Or are you referring to stuff that you have actually heard as opposed to read on this forum while lurking (I get confused because sometimes I say 'heard' instead of 'read' when it comes to online information)?

I believe that the Federal Government is essentially evil, especially its LE sections and that one cannot trust Government on any level, especially when it comes to LE. But roadblocks and concentration camps sound absurd. Murder, frame up, all sorts of retribution for contempt-of-cop, I do believe in.

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited October 20, 1999).]
Heard mainly, the local gun club has a group who talk about this activity, but can't ever seem to offer any proof, neither can my co-worker. I have kinda ignored their statements in the past, but it seems to be happening more and more often.

I did see one thread here where the "men in black" and black helicopters at a roadblock were mentioned and that is what prompted me to ask if someone has anything that they can show me. Sorry, I don't recall which thread. I am not trying to flame anyone here, I was just hoping to find some answers to my question.

As I have said, I am a skeptic, but I can be persuaded. If this is happening then it is outrageous and has to be dealt with. Sorry if I have offended anybody. :(


It's not paranoia, they really are out to get me.

[This message has been edited by Fury (edited October 20, 1999).]
This is all pretty bizarre, but then again, I didn't believe the asset seizures / forfeitures could be true either.

Fury, that's a keeper - 'a paranoid skeptic'! ;)
In Utah:
"Location 2: *Skull Valley* Camp William property - west of the old bombing range
South/southwestern portion of Camp Williams
Status: This camp was discovered by a man and his son who were rabbit hunting, they
were discovered and apprehended."

Thats BS. I have been all over Camp Williams - Both recently and 5 Years ago. There is no such place. Skull Vally is a small area that used to house some very small sheep pens. There are lots of Deer Skulls there - And Ticks. The Actual name for that area is "Tickville" because if you go into a prone shooting position for even a moment - You will have a major personal tick infestation problem.

"Location 3: *Utah Lake* 15 miles south of Saratoga Recreation center 200 - 300 yards off
the road
Status: Black wire 40 to 50 feet tall, made to look something like a golf driving range

Location 4: *Cedar City* East of Cedar City Utah -
Status: no more data - "

Both of those are BS as well as "Location 1: Ft. Huachuca, Arizona." I was there plenty of times - I dont recall anything like that save for a water treatment place - but it wasnt spooky or anything.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
History repeats itself. You don't have far to look. Japanese Americans, American Indians and German Canadians can all bear witness to camps. All right here in our own backyard. I doubt if they exist,,but I also doubt if the government would hesitate for a nanosecond to build them. They would even have the stones to assess us(taxpayers) to build the things!

CCW for Ohio action site.
These stories are legion on the Net.

And it's not just USA, we have them here in Australia, too, according to the believers.

Have a look at:

My personal opinion is that it's simply been designed to pinch-hit as a detention centre for "boat people" (illegal immigrants from Asia). The current Port Hedland Detention Centre has 600 of them at present, way past its comfortable capacity. And they keep arriving. Now the manure has hit the rotating cooling device in Indonesia/Timor, we can certainly expect more.

On the other hand .....

Yeah, it's the Uwharrie. This "compound" is in the northern half of the forest, near the Randolph-Montgomery Co. line, a few miles SW of Ulah. Personally, I don't believe half the so-called "sightings" I hear about, and I'm still not sure what this "thing" is that's hidden a couple of miles back in the woods. I just know that I don't trust Klinton.

Happiness is a tight group!

I figured that...Uhwarrie National Forest is where the US Army Special Operations Command runs the SF Qualification Course's Robin Sage Exercise a couple of times a year. Probably used for other SOF exercises as well.

This isn't new...has been going on for 20+ years. What has been seen is most likely related to this training program. Students (who operate as 12 man ODAs) perform different SF missions through different scenarios. Taking down an enemy airstrip/facility would certainly be one of those missions they're required to perform.

Thanks for the clarification as to location...
