Got my first javelina last night

Ha well..I field dressed it and butchered it myself, so I could get some experience. It looks a lot easier in youtube videos and books. My Dad said, " looks like it got in a fight with a weedeater." It smells really bad, and apparently there's a scent gland I didn't do my homework on. I'm gonna try it though, on principle of not wasting it. My gf just shook her head. I think she's the smarter one...Keg thanks, do ya'll eat those feral pigs personally, I mean, like in that thread about shooting them by chopper?
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You butchered it, did ya? Well, that's a start. My old south Louisiana Cajun buddy can cook just about anything and make it edible, but he's tried at least twice that I know of to cook Javelina, and he failed miserably both times. And both times his wife came into the kitchen and howled that he was "stinkin up her house" and proceeded to throw pot and all into the back yard. And both times he proceeded to get drunk. my view you should just skip the part where you stink up the house and just go ahead and get drunk.

Yep, that scent a giant zit from Hell on the back end of that Javelina (big rodent).

Yessiree, I'm laughing. I know how this is going to turn out. Cooking it does not make the stink better. Makes it worse. I've actually got tears of laughter in my eyes right now....
Shot it, clean it & going to eat it! Good for you! Take the backstraps out; the two long strips of meat on each side of the backbone. Cut them into 1" slices, sort of like a scallop. Marinade in your frig over night in your favorite citrus based marinade. I like something called Tequilla-Lime sauce. Wrap each piece in a piece of bacon & skewer with a tooth pick. Grill 'til well done. Delicious!

Grill or oven roast the hind quarters with pineapple & apple slices. Plenty of sweet BBQ sauce. Slow roast until bone comes loose. GREAT! The rest of the javalena is pretty much a waste.

BTW: Javalena or collared peccary are not pigs but are of the tayassuidae family, more related to rats & squirrels. :)


Thanks to everybody. I'm glad I made some people laugh! Bumblebug, absolutely am going to try that, sounds amazing, and thanks for the hunting advice. Also heard, mix it 50/50 with pork. I'm going with the Bumblebug method first.
Well, I was having my laughing moment, but it was more about remembering my old friend's attempts to cook the Javelina than it was about yours. I do wish you luck with the cooking, and I hope you'll come back to the forum and tell us how it went. I think that a successful cooking of Javelina should be mentioned just so we'll know that it is possible.
I was on group bowhunt one time on a big ranch overrun with javalenas. The foreman said that if we shot any we didn't want, bring them to him & he'd take them to the orphanage. Sure enough, my buddy decided he'd donate the boar he shot. When we got to the foreman's house he wouldn't take it. He said when he last went to the orphanage they told straight out "Don't bring us anymore of those g***amn javalenas!"

...bug :)

BTW: Be careful mixing javalena with pork, you could ruin some good pork.
Any kind of meat is good in chille. Or a spicy jerky if allowed to soak in a brine for two or thee days and was sliced thin. (For really gamey tasting meat. A jerky brine would need to be changed-out a couple of times during the soaking period.) But considering how expensive jerky is in a store. A change of brine once or twice isn't all that costly considering how much meat your soaking. To make any type of brine? If you have a kitchen blender your good to go.