Got my first buck EVER yesterday!!! (PICS)

VERY nice!!!


I went out again yesterday, and this time by myself for the first time. It was a beautiful day, but (1) some nitwit was running his dogs down by the lake at the base of the cliff (yes, I was at the same place I nicked my buck last week), (2) a second nitwit was TARGET SHOOTING (illegal in that forest, by the way), (3) and from SOMEWHERE a bloody COW (and by that I mean the hamburger and milk kind, not a deer kind) was moo-ing. Must have gotten loose from one of the landowners in the general area.

On the other hand, it was about 45 degrees when I got there, got up to 71 in the afternoon (too warm, really, for the deer anyway) and I watched butterflies, listened to birds and bugs, sat in the sun, "talked" back and forth to a buck in the afternoon who was wanting to fight but couldn't quite get his courage up to come check me out :rolleyes: and generally had a quiet, peaceful day.

Any day in the woods is a good day.


You otta have that bad boy mounted. (And then you just might as well sell yer gun, 'cuz it don't get any better than that!!!)

Nice work Hawken...I read you other post, and I have to say that there is nothing wrong with shooting em till they fall! Especially if he was just dancing around!