Got my EAA Witness 10MM today! Need Extra mags!!


All I have to say is, OH MAN!... This gun is Great. I like it better than my G20. It is a thrill to shoot.. Recoil is less than the G20, and what a great, loud, head turner of a round. I was getting rubberneckers at the range. I am very happy with this weapon. Only problem, it came with one mag, any one out there that knows were to get extra mags, your help will be appreciated....
Try CDNN investments here:

They don't have them listed but I would bet they have them.

When I bought my .45 Witness I almost bought the 10mm. I've always wanted a 10mm but I don't reload and I shoot ALOT so I stuck with the .45.

I think you'll find that the EAA guns are undersprung. A 14lb recoil spring is stock but you would probably be better off in the long term with an 18 or 20lb spring.

I might buy a conversion kit for my .45 but it isn't that much more to buy the whole gun. Of course the real expense would be when I had to buy the Miami Clasic holster, the linen suits and the Ferrari.

Anybody know where I can get a pet Alligator?

Glad you like that 10mm. I've had mine for about a year now, and here is what I have found.

1. Like loudernhel said, the gun is WAY undersprung. The bigtime teardrop primer indentations were a real indication. I ordered a Wolff 22lb spring and it works well. I e-mailed the company and received a very friendly reply explaining that even the 22lb. spring was a little light for full 10mm loads, and they were planning to develop a stronger spring, but it was a little low on the priority list. They said that many had used the 22lb spring and were happy. My experience has been similar.

2. When I first got the gun, it malfunctioned pretty consistently. Even after a break in, it would still malf. quite often. On the Glocktalk 10mm forum, I was informed that it might be the magazine, because thedesign had been changed. I e-mailed EAA, and within a couple of days I had a new red follower to replace the old black one. The gun hasen't hiccuped since.

I really want to do some work on it, like dehorning job, installation of SA trigger, and adjustable sights. I just need to find someone to do the work.

Good shootin,

Where did you buy the Wolfe springs for the Witness? I have a .40 and .45, both show the same primer marks you're describing. Are Wolfe mag springs a good ideas as well (or even available?).
