Got my CHL; now what?

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New member
I got home from a business trip on Friday to a pleasant surprise- my Texas CHL had come in the mail.

Now, I've owned guns and have been a hunter/shooter for literally all of my adult life, but I am still feeling a kind of strange about having a firearm on my person. BTW, I've noticed carrying in the glove compartment or in my briefcase is no problem. Has anyone else experienced this when they first got their permit?

Secondly, although I have several firearms that would function very well as concealed weapons, I don't own any real concealment gear. I have nylon holsters for my S&W Models 60 and 36, and for my 1991 Commander, but they just don't cut it. I carried an NAA .22 Mag mini all weekend (inside the little pocket holster it comes with) in a front pants pocket. It was either that or my .25 Raven loose (cringe!) in the same pocket.

Suggestions for concealment gear? I'm 6'0", about 225 lbs (mostly relaxed muscle :) ). I won't be carrying at work, but my traditional mode of dress is southern business casual- Dockers and shortsleeves, with jeans and t-shirts on weekends.

I'd also like to tell folks that if you are applying for your CHL, don't be like old ckurts and forget about the holster until after the paper comes...
Let me be the first to congratulate you on being a fine, upstanding citizen.

On to business, the gun shop I purchased my gun from was kind enough to let me try out different holsters with the gun. I've settled for an inside the waistband (IWB) holster. Most of the time I wear polo shirts that aren't tucked in. On those few days that it's been cold enough a sweater gets put on over a shirt and it is a lot more comfortable carrying. Still a little sloppy on the draw so I guess I should be practicing more.

I haven't had any problems yet, several people who I know are gun people don't know I carry unless I tell them.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Your Colt commander will carry real well with a galco inside the pants holster.I carried one that way for years.The model is NSA 218.A top quality,comfortable holster.
Check with your local shops and try one.I think you will like it.

I know what you mean about the strange feeling. When I got my permit some 6 years ago, I felt very self conscious about the gun. No matter what I did I felt like it protruded like a growth and EVERYBODY would know I was carrying. After a while you will get over it. The best way to do it is to carry every chance you get. I can't carry at work either but I try to at all other times, within the legal limits imposed by my state.

I also have a Model 60 and I carry it in a Bianchi Pistol Pocket IWB holster. I bought the Bianchi as a "readily available" option while I looked for something better - still got it! Very little of this holster actually goes into the waistband and I don't even have to wear a longer belt with it. The holster is VERY easy on/off - a big consideration for the various restricted locations we have in Tennessee.

For the Commander (mine are actually a full size and an Officers) I like the Heritage IWB from Milt Sparks. It's worth the 12 week wait! I also like the Belt Slide (the one that fits between the belt and the pants) when wearing a little longer jacket or vest. I also like a good paddle holster for the 1911's. I like the Galco Firm Paddle and I'm thinking about the Kramer MSP.

If you like the IWB's, like I do, you'll eventually get a "carry wardrobe" that includes some loose fit pants and a 2" longer belt for comfort. I use these when I know I'll be carrying all day. On intermittant carry days I use a paddle. I keep a "safari" type vest and a holster in my vehicle at all times. Never know where you'll end up and like the boy scouts prepared!

Greetings and kudos on your CHL! I'm 6' and 200 lbs (dammit)! I carry an airweight S&W j-frame .38 Spec in a cheap Uncle Mike's pocket holster. You will forget it's there.
I also carry one Bianchi speed strip in a separate pocket. Best.
Yeah, cut the hammer spurs off of those J-Frames and carry them in a pocket holster! They are great guns, and despite the hype, are not that difficult to shoot well with a little practice.

You may want to invest in an Airweight if you plan to carry in the pocket of slacks though. The steel frames tend to be a little heavy for slacks.
Their are all kinds of excelent holsters out there. I perfer the Mitch Rosen ARG for my 1911 and the Kramer pocket holster for the S&W 442. I also use a Blade Tech belt holster for open carry or carry in jacket weather.
Milt Sparks is another excelent holster company. Just be sure and get a belt made for carrying a holster and ammo as the belt is extremly important in supporting all the extra gear.

go to for links to all kinds of holster shops.

[This message has been edited by Joey (edited November 01, 1999).]
Congrats from a fellow Texan. I like much of what Mikey said. Carry the weapon everywhere it is legal to do so. You will not be able to live with yourself (or maybe even survive...) if you leave it in the car because "I'm just running in to pay for gas" - and need it. Carry it. After about 2 months that strange feeling will go away and, if you carry everywhere legal, you will feel strange without it!

As far a concealment goes you will end up with multiple options depending on which firearm you have and the clothes you are wearing. I personally have a Galco Concealable Pancake holster for the HK USP9-C, a fanny pack for the same if I have no jacket and an IWB for my Walther PPK/S when I wear a shirt untucked ot if I am wearing a vest should I go out to dinner, etc. Play with as many options for concealment as you can. You'll probably end up buying something you end up not liking but it is easy to resale and - DO NOT take any shortcuts on effective CCW gear. Be sure you are comfortable with it and practice!

Be safe.


Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.

[This message has been edited by CMOS (edited November 02, 1999).]
I know the feeling, ckurts. I got my Florida CCW two weeks ago, and I'm getting used to the feeling of carrying concealed.

And, yep, I'm at that point where I am still fairly self-conscious of having it on my person, and wondering if anyone notices a slight bulge under my T-shirt or sports coat.

BTW, I carry a USP9f in a Bianchi Black Widow holster.

But the thing of it is, I think most people around you are in "white" mode or are simply not on the lookout for a person with a gun. So far, the only suspicious or nervous-looking person I've encountered was at a convenience store--some teenager who was trying to buy cigarettes without an ID.


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.

You will get used to it. Try not to act nervous or people will get suspicious. Sometimes I almost forget that I have it on me (not good in come cases).

I personally like the Galco fine leather line of holsters. This is my H&K in the Galco "Concealment"...

Good shooting.
Ban the bans.

[This message has been edited by Unicron (edited November 02, 1999).]
Thanks for the input, folks!

My instructor made mention of the concept that the CHL more-or-less certifies you as good guy- not only are you subject to the serious background check, but you have taken a step that says you recognize that the lives of you and your family are precious, and that you are willing to defend yourself and them.

Looks like the consensus here is to have several options for carry. I'll be checking out some of those holster suggestions this week. Any opinions on ankle holsters? I thought about them but it seems they'd make for an awkward draw.

I plan on carrying everywhere it is legal for me to do so. Among the many things that CHL implies, one is that it is a form of insurance, and I don't limit regular insurance coverage to weekends or just when when I'm travelling.

Hank, your I agree heartily with you on the accuracy of the snubs, given a little practice. I am quite used to all of the handguns I mentioned in my original post. I generally shoot twice a month and always bring at least one "concealable" to the range. I try to put a minimum of 50 rounds through it at the 7 yard line. I am planning to take a good threat management/armed self defense class soon as well.

I experimented with the Model 60 and the 36 in the front pants pocket. Seems like they'd wear through in pretty short order. Stephen Camp's idea of an Airweight model might work better.

FWIW, I'll be loading the .38 with 125 gr. +P Gold Dots, the Model 60 with 158 gr +P LHPs, and the Commander with 185 grain Remington JHPs or 230 grain hardball.
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