Got my babies back from Goons GW.


New member
I just had to drop a line in here and give props to Goons gun works. I got my two pistols back that I sent him. He did a phenomenal job on these. They are the slickest operating Single action I have ever held in my hands. The triggers are oh so sweet. He turned a normal everyday Italian Repro into a custom gun. I will send my 51 Navy in short order. Comparing a factory gun side by side to these, well there is no comparison. Thanks a ton Mike!!
disclaimer: I do not work or am affiliated with them in any way. Just a 100% satisfied customer.
He does the following to them. Correct the arbor length and bed the arbor.
Set the barrel/ cylinder gap, Sculpt the bolt head, Installation of a bolt block,
Installation of an action stop, Installation of a cap post,
Harden and fire blue the screws and screw pin, tune springs, timing
Thanks so much deerslayer303 !!! Glad you like!!!

He and AKexpat are right, all revolvers get the same service. With open tops, the arbor is the biggie. But all S.A.s will feel better and last longer with bolt blocks and action stops.

I see cartridge conversions on the Goonsite.
Will you give an 1873 or 1875 the same treatment (except for the cap pin, of course)?
Absolutely! A S.A. by any other name is still a S.A. !! Lol ! They all "need" a good fitting, not to mention the precision feeling that a bolt block and an action stop give it . These two items will also extend the life of the parts for years to come!!

At this point, I don't offer anything more than tuning. Just setting them up correctly and to run as efficiently as they can is quite an ordeal.
Even though other makes of S.A.s may be closer to "tuned" when they leave the factory, ALL S.A.s can be tuned to greater efficiency and longevity. The idea of "lighter springs" as producing a "tuned" revolver (which some offer as "higher end") is like saying new tires will make your car a race car (not hardly!). The fitting of parts to each other is most critical and time consuming. The result is a S.A. that will have a far superior action and feel. The shooter can now concentrate more on the target and less on if the gun (especially open tops) is going to function.

I took both of them to the range yesterday. I went through a whole brand new tin of caps and NOT one miss fire, not one cap jam in my '62 Police. I did have one cap slow up the cylinder on the Remington. The '62 Police shoots 6" high but groups well. The star of the show is that Remington though, with a two hand hold she shot some really tight groups. Happy Happy Happy.
I'll have to take a pic of it. But that cap post Mike installs causes the fired caps to stay on the nipple. They don't really blow out like normal. They look like a new cap with a hole in the back ( the end the hammer strikes). Really cool stuff.
Yesterday I shot my '58 full size a little and centerpunched an Ace of Spades 3 0ut of 6 @ 7 yards! the other 3 just encircled the card.
Man that 8" Remington never fails to please!
I prefer the 5 1/2" Remingtons handling qualitys but for some reason, I don't shoot it as well. It groups well enough for a combat revolver but the long one is the most accurate everywhere.
It sure sounds like you have a couple of fine shooting revolvers!
A slicked-up Navy Model would be an object of joy to shoot! The Navy's are sweethearts anyhow and a worked over one would be a really nice shooter!
Who says you HAVE to shoot cartriges to get accuracy???
Honest, my BPrevolvers are some of my most accurate shooters! I see why Hickock stuck to the Navys!
Enjoy your beauties!
Caps still break up on the 60 he did for me, they just don't drop down into the action.

Very slick.
I had no misfires either.

...NOW, ya got me thinkin... I'd like to have this done to ALL of mine (as long as my bank account holds up)!!! :cool:

