Got denied today, no idea why.

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I went to my local gun shop today and I tried to purchase an AR-15. I got denied. I DO have my permit to purchase. I have absolutely nothing on my record. Not even a speeding ticket. The only thing I have is I got caught stealing beef jerky when I was 12, but I never went to court, did my community service and it was dropped. I'm in the process of appealing. But just curious if anyone has been through anything similar, Im in Minnesota.
It's likely just a case of mistaken identity where someone with the same or similar name came up instead of you.
Yeah, they may have gotten you confused with John Herpderp Dillinger, Herpderp "Al" Capone, or Charles Manson-Herpderp. ;)
Did you appeal the denial? You should and see what it was and get it corrected. Could be as simple as someone incorrectly entered a number or letter.
Are background checks national? I tried to pick up a rifle last night and the website was down. The dealer just called about two hours ago and it is still down. He is less than happy about not being able to sell guns.
If you didn't give them your SS number, that might be part of the problem. With well over 300 million people in this country you're bound to come up as someone else sooner or later. A lot of people don't want to give it out, but the government already has it anyway. When it's given it's rare to be declined for no reason.
Sorry for a delayed reply. I didn't see I had replies. I give them my social every time. I have sent the e-mail for an appeal. So, we'll see what happens I suppose. Anyone know how long the appeal process can take?
Years ago, a friend of mine was arrested for an outstanding warrant whilst trying to purchase a handgun. It wasn't him. Same first, middle, and last; different SSN and race. The issue was resolved quickly. Turns out a lazy processing clerk only ran his name through the system.
The first step is to find out which agency conducted the check. If it was a federal check, there is information available here on how to appeal the denial. If it was a state-level check, you'll have to contact the appropriate state-level agency.

We don't know why you were denied. We can only speculate, and that doesn't help.
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