Got a used 870 (via internet) me!


New member
Hey everyone,

I got a used 870 express for $150 on an auction, and finally got to look at it in person. There's a slight orange tint on the gun (inside the receiver and outside on the barrel). Also, it's very dirty. I don't think there's any pitting. What the heck should I do to save this gun? I feel like taking a high-powered hose to it and then removing the rust (somehow). The inside of the receiver looks bad...quite a bit of orange and dirt. My main concern is getting any rust out of the nooks and crannies...

I assume the orange color is light rust, or "seed" rust.

I suggest stripping it down, including removing the stock, then spray it down with a HEAVY coat of WD-40 and let it soak for a day or so. Then use a couple of old tooth brushes and more WD-40 to give it a good scrub-down. Wipe all the WD-40 off with paper towels and re-lube with your favorite lube.

Another technique I've used is, after the WD-40 treatment,
put the action into a large flat pan or bucket and give it another scrub-down with cheap paint thinner. Blow dry with air, or force dry with a hair dryer. (This drys, but doesn't get too hot). Lube immediately, to prevent new rust.

Usually this will remove LIGHT coatings of rust and will do a good job of cleaning the crud out.

I don't know why, but people just don't maintain shotguns. They seem to be the FILTHYEST guns around. You got a good deal, but now you get to clean up someone elses mess.
to help take care of the very dirty part spay all the parts with simple green,let the soak ,scrub with a toothbrush, and blow them off with a air comp. and then lube with your fav. lube.
Take it down as far as you can, and use some sort of oil on all metal parts. Repeat, and wipe off the excess. I'd drop the bolt and carrier in a bucket of oil, and maybe the trigger group also. Hang after and let drain...

Meanwhile, saturate the inside of the receiver and scrub with an old toothbrush until all metal is clean and oiled. I'd pop off the stock here and A, do the rear of the receiver, and B, reseal the end of the wood with Urethane, Varathane, or even turtlewax to keep the oil out of the stock.

Once the corrosion is arrested, go over the blued exterior VERY lightly with 4/0 steel wool soaked in lube. Wipe off excess again and judge if it needs rebluing.

I've seen agency 870s that have been abused much worse than this keep working with a minumum of TLC, so you haven't wasted your cash on trash.