Got a rising shooter . . .

Prof Young

New member
So Jackson is eight now. He can shoot his "Cricket" pretty well off a rest. Lately I've taken to letting him shoot the Heritage single six. Anyway we were out today shooting both the guns. He switches back and forth between the two guns. We'd been shooting for about half an hour and I asked him if he wanted to go on with the rifle or switch back to the pistol. Without missing a beat he asked "Did you bring anything else?" I knew I had a shooter/gun-nut on my hands. Good deal.

Anyway the only other thing I had was my truck gun, which is also my squirrel gun, a Savage 42 with 22mag on top and 410 under. It's too big for Jack but since we were shooting off a bench with a sand bag I thought I'd let him try. One shot with the 410 and he was done with shotguns for a while, but he did alright shooting the 22 mag.

Life is good
Prof Young


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Life IS good, and congratulations.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching my own passion for firearms and the shooting sports develop in both of my sons, and the progression as they've grown and matured. Priceless.