Got a new Rifle today Sad .


New member
A friend came to see me one summer day two years ago with bad news .
He had cancer very bad cancer doctors gave him two months . Was a close friend also my brother-in-law his wife pass years before him .

We spent a lot of days hunting and shooting and just messing around . He hunted all over the western states and always talked about the perfect Rifle .
A Weatherby Mark-5 well he got his Weatherby but never used it as it was just to nice to take to the field hunting . He gave me this Rifle two years ago today .

The Rifle is a Weatherby Mark 5 in 7mm with a Weather scope and Weatherby long case . I am getting to old to hunt and will pass this Rifle to my son but he must use it he is a hunter .
Sorry for your loss.
Had a similar issue myself.
My buddy had reached 80 yrs old and had a all matching rockola M1 30 carbine he did not want his family to sell off when he died.
He gave it to me.
It sits in my safe next to a couple other M1's that see regular use.
That rifle is a safe queen for me.
It's always tough losing folks you're close with.
Giving away some of our most precious possessions before we go makes sense.
That's what I've arranged with my stuff, but only after I'm gone.
Like maybe the next day.
No sense in getting premature about it.
I like my stuff.
One thing to avoid is putting strings on it.
That isn't appreciated much by the recipient.
Parents often try to do that with their kids.
Big mistake.
He was fortunate to have a good friend, and you are blessed to have one of his possession that reminds you of the enjoyment you two shared together.