Got a browning shoutgun question

light twelve

A friend of mine has aquired a Light twelve that her Dad had it has a ser # of 8g 8613
the blue is almost gone and the stock being a round grip has a small crack next to the reciver and has several scratches
their is some light rust pits on it
it has a matted rib and is in fine working order
could some please inform us of the year and the fair price of this gun
Older Auto 5's - are not that popular / and have fixed choke barrels.

Since it has some rust on it / a crack in the stock / blue is gone ...... it probably has no retail value. If someone needed a "parts" gun - they might offer her $ 50 for it ....

Even an Auto 5 / in very good condition - no rust, used but still most of the blue still there, mo major nicks or damage to the stock - with a fixed choke barrel is worth $ 250 - $ 400 in my area is all. If the barrel has been threaded for screw in chokes / increase it $ 100.