Gore vs. Bush tax plan calculator

You would save approximately $0.00 under the Gore proposal.
You will pay approximately $22353.50 in taxes (not subtracting other credits we didn't ask about).
Which is a savings of appr. 0.00 percent.

You will save approximately $4741.00 under the Bush proposal.
You will pay approximately $17612.50 in taxes (not subtracting other credits we didn't ask about).
Which is a savings of approximately 21.21percent.

DEFINITELY VOTE for Bush!!! lol
They say I would actually save about $500 more on the Gore Plan but I DON'T GIVE A SH*T. I would rather pay a little more to have GW in the White House!

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.
Gore's "Targeted Tax Cuts" [Target] most
single tax payers right out of their tax cut.

I, being single and therefore without childern, do not "qualify" for any of Gore's
"targeted" (away from me ) tax cuts.

I am one the 50 % of Americans Al Gore points his finger at and says
"You dont get a tax cut, you have to pay full price; but your neighbor, here ,with kids,
he gets a big tax cut cause he qualifies but
you dont.

I have had this pulled on me many times in the past and it is no fun at all being stuck
paying full taxes.

One of the democraps favorite tricks is to limit your tax cut or limit the amount of
deposit to your IRA by the amount of your earned income.

I can work a little bit some days at my own pace after taking appropiate pain killers and amoxicillian but on bad days , I can not work at all.
I can -not- work a regular job because of lymes desease infectious arthuritis in ALL my joints, and I am not collecting one cent from any govt agency.

I support myself from rental income and pay huge local property taxes, 8,500.oo per year.
Then there are upkeep & maintainance and libility insurance on the property.

I work some little bit , what my body allows me to get away with, keeping the property from delapidating
because 75 year olds buildings need lots of care, but I dont get paid for this and cant cliam it on my tax return and so I have
No earned income...no ira account...no medical savings act...cant afford any health insurance and deabilitated as I am with my
problems, I have to pay all my medical out of pocket and no tax cut for me.

Yes , Gore let me slip through the cracks and left me behind.

But not GW Bush. His across the board tax cuts give relief to all americans.

With the former tax money I would have had to pay out,but now, thanks to GW Bush across
the board tax cuts, I could save 2,000.oo a year in a CD
for when I need to go to a hospital.

At least I could get some care; now I got no
coverage, nothing, for insurance.

Saving our guns and second ammendment rights
are not the only reason to Vote for Bush.

And I will expect Bush to make good on his tax cuts instead of forgeting his campain promises.
I hang out in some political chat rooms and hear everyone saying Gore is gonna save this country with tax relief.

I went to the above website and entered numerous situations including my own.

In almost every one from $30k to $1 million I save at most $210 under Gore with 0 dependants and 0 deductions. Most of the time though it is 0 under gore!

With Bush it is a completly different story.
With my financial situations I save between $300 and $860 with Bush and a max of $210 under Gore. $0 on most situations!

While Bush may save more money for the rich Gore saves NOTHING for the poor!

I get something under Bush with every situation that I plugged in and Gores offerings in tax relief are paltry!

With $1,000,000 single, no deductions/dependants

You would save approximately $0.00 under the Gore proposal.
You will pay approximately $372370.30 in taxes (not subtracting other credits we didn't ask about).
Which is a savings of appr. 0.00 percent.

You will save approximately $57084.30 under the Bush proposal.
You will pay approximately $315286.00 in taxes (not subtracting other credits we didn't ask about).
Which is a savings of approximately 15.33percent.

How DARE Gore even attack Bush on this issue when Gore doesnt offer ANYTHING to the rich!!!!!

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Thomas Jefferson

[This message has been edited by MrBigglesworth (edited October 21, 2000).]

Sorry, but I guess that you are not one of the "right" people that AlGore continually refers to when he mentions his so called tax cuts. I am not one of the "right" people either. My wife and I would save $2500 under Gov. Bush's proposal and $0 under AlGore's proposal.

Since this great nation of ours was founded on the ideal that all men are created equal, what right does the government have to decide who is deserving of keeping more of their own money and who is not? That sounds more like the Marxist idea of "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs".

AlGore's tactic is the old Democrat trick of "class envy". They do anything they can to make people jealous of anyone who makes more money than themselves. Unfortunately, it has worked all to often! Evidently, many lower and middle income people feel better about their situation if they think that the wealthy are getting the shaft. It doesn't matter if they are still living in a shack, at least that rich person may only be able to travel to Europe for two weeks instead of three this summer!

MrBigglesworth, I think you should go back to that political chat room and challenge everyone to visit taxclarity.org and run the numbers themselves. This is the best way for people to see the lie that is AlGore's tax relief proposal. If every person went to this web site and ran the numbers, Gov. Bush would win in a landslide!

[This message has been edited by Cactus (edited October 21, 2000).]