Gore (Sr. & Jr.) insulted Jesse Jackson...

Gore gives the handouts, he could go up there in a KKK outfit or dressed as a militant black panther and both the greedy whites & blacks would vote for him still in a second. I kind of feel somewhat satisfaction about what is about to happen to them really, I just don't like the fact that it will effect us.
Them is the socialist leaning masses, us is the people who respect freedom and what's going to happen is the same thing that has happened in every country where the goverment has gone out of control because the people supported more and more programs and policies that took away freedom and empowered the goverment. Except this time it will be much much worse IMO because of the technology that the .gov has at it's fingertips. The people that vote the "robin hood" factor & mass movement realted feel good policy crap ie. MMM guncontrol etc. will give up their freedoms for handouts or presumed safety and eventually, as has always been, there will be major human rights violations across the board and it will effect everyone, but even when that happens and if the people who supported that crap wake up it will be to late for them to do anything about it. They will be victims of their own goverment, and directly victims of their own greed and ignorance. Then there's the bibical perspective, which some believe and some not, personally I do.

[This message has been edited by scud (edited September 21, 2000).]
Anyone insulting Jesse Jackson has at least one good point. Unfortunately with Al that good point is contrasted by hundreds of bad ones.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me