Gore Pushes for FAA "Profiling" of Airline Passengers


New member
Yes, strangely enough, Al Gore, "defender" of privacy and inventor of the Internet, and a private commission, is pushing the airline industry to develop computer profiles for matching passengers against a "points" based system for added security scrutiny. The "Wired" article is here: http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/19218.html .

Of particular interest is the statement about keeping profiles on record, "The FAA says that it currently plans to record those data for 72 hours, but is considering keeping them on file for 18 months." Sounds frighteningly like the ATF's desire to stockpile citizens' NICS records. Thoughts?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
This ought to be real interesting, did not the head of the MJ State Police lose his job because some of his troopers used profiling? I think I got that right! Also as I seem to remember use fo profiling is disallowed or at least discouraged by most police departments due to the "disproportionate" number of minorities who get picked up that way.

So now the federal government wants to institute profiling as a regulation. Any LEO types who can comment on this apparent dichotomy in the federal liberals platform, from a position of knowledge?

Freedom is not Free
In fact, this already happens to a certain extant. If you pay for your ticket in cash at most airline ticket counters they will inspect your CARRY ON luggage as a matter of policy. Not just X-ray, but actually open and search. I believe this is to see if you are travelling with more than the allowable amount of cash without declaring it.
or to see if you are trying to move drugs without a paper trail or a reservation.
Thanks for the tip! Next time I fly I'll pay in cash. (heh, heh) I'll put my clean clothes in the checked suitcase. In my carry on will be all my dirty underw... laundry. :)

Hmmm. Then they'll lose my checked suitcase and....