Gore proposes photo-ID for purchases.

Rob Pincus

New member
I heard Gore this morning on CNN discussing his plan to institute a Photo-ID and registration system for all firearms purchases.

Will you participate?

I will, simply becuase I will not be "inconvenienced" or "principaled" out of buying firearms. I'm sure the anti's would be just as happy if we choose to stop buying guns all by ourselves.

BTW, if I understand Gore's proposal correctly, it's useless as an anti-crime measure and is nothing but politics and another way of harrassing gunowners. The only people who'll apply for Gore's license will be the people who don't need to apply, that is, law-abiding citizens. Then there's the vast bureaucracy that will be required, the trade in fake IDs, etc., etc., etc.

A typically bad idea--as we've come to expect from Gore where guns are concerned--but a clever little piece of demagoguery that might win him some misguided votes.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 12, 1999).]
Hell no, I won't participate. I'll conduct my PRIVATE business without government interference, thankyouverymuch.

I don't need to show ID to buy a book (yet). So why should I show ID to buy shells or cartridges?

Gore can suck my big ol' white butt. I'll keep buying my stuff at Long's, where they have a line drawing of Ben F making his "essential liberty" statement on every cash register.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Rob, I've already got a photo ID , it says Concealed Weapons Permit, that should suffice. I have another photo ID that I have to use when buying from a dealer- my drivers license. I agree that all this is silly, it only affects the good guys.
Actually, Coin, private sales may well be outlawed as well.

Continuing to buy, trade, own, carry and use firearms is the goal for me. I will continue to do so legally as long as that is possible.

I'm not going to be one of those who cuts off his nose to spite his face, and I don't encourage others to either.

Let's work now to try to stop further infringement of our rights, but lets not be bullied around by inconveniances if they do come to pass.

Well, could we get behind this admittedly unconstitutional law if it included:

1) Elimination of all waiting periods and instant background checks everywhere. No need if all gun buyers have to have a license.

2) Repeal of the "assault weapon" ban. How can they justify it if all gun buyers are registered?

3) Repeal the machine gun manufacture ban. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, no reason for it now.

4) Ditto the magazine bans.

5) A true national CCW is included as part of the permit. Why not, if I have to carry a photo ID with me?

6) Most importantly - it's a shall issue permit, renewable every 5 years or so with a minimal charge ($50 or less).

7) Includes the right to sell/buy what you want, where you want (across state lines, etc).

8) Elimination/overriding all the local laws regarding transport/posession of firearms.

9) Complete repeal of the Brady Bill, GCA of 1968, and 1934 - can't justify them any more since you have be licensed to buy a firearm...

Any other ideas? I don't dream we'll get any of this, but if they really want a national photo ID card for gun purchasers "for the children," they will compromise, won't they? ;)

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
This is nothing but more smoke and mirrors from the "Manchurian Candidate". Typically, when I purchase a handgun in my local gun store, I have to show a Photo Drivers License and my permit anyway.

Another totally useless proposal that "sounds good" to the largely uninformed citizenry.

They just want an excuse to get national registration of gunowners so they know exactly where the guns are to confiscate later after they ban them.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited July 13, 1999).]
I agree with you, but if we (the NRA, "gun lobby", whatever you want to call us) make an offer, then they're the one's that won't compromise, not us. So far, compromise = give them most of what they want, get nothing in return.

Ask for everything. Then they won't want the ID so bad.