Gore...pandering to Calif environmentalists


Moderator Emeritus
At a news conference yesterday Algore stated that if he becomes President, he will make it his highest priority to stop and prohibit all off coastal oil drilling immediately and in the future.

So, that deserves his highest priority, huh?
What about Education? Medicare? Social Security? I though those were his highest priorities?
It will cost at least $2 billion to refund off-shore lease payments.

I guess that Bradley kicking his butt on the East coast and dead even here in Calif doesn't have anything to do with this? ;)

Algore...what a nitwit

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Geez... Since I'm into guns AND cars, I guess that makes me some kind of anti-Gore. Seems like I can't pick up any of my favorite magazines without hearing his useless prattle telling me why I'm singlehandedly ruining America with my "assault-style weapons", SUV, and... what's his newest demon? "Urban sprawl"? Sorry, but a high-rise in the middle of downtown Chicago that can only be reached by public transportation ain't for me. But, hey... Big brother knows best, right? I don't think Ozone Al knows the meaning of the word "can". I collect guns, including his dreaded "assault weapons" simply because I "can". (but if things keep going this way, it may turn to "need") I drive a gas-guzzling SUV because I "can". I live in the suburbs because I "can". I think these liberal, elitist left b*stards should set an example to us unwashed masses and live how they want us to live. "No more White House Al, you're goin' to Cabrini Green." "You have to set an example Mr. Gore, your motorcade of armored Suburbans is being replaced with Geo Metros." See how quickly he learns to value the power of individual choice.
Don't get me wrong here but do any of you think that Gore would hug the trees in your play ground if a government entity such as the Army *#"@ of Engineers wanted to play?
Just Thinking, Hank
What a hoot. Both Gore and Bradley are racing so far to the left in an attempt to out flank one another, that it's going to be a long road back to the center for the general election.

Bradley has become the realization of Gore's greatest fear. He has to show his true colors in order to secure the far left party activists. Poor Al will not be able to run as the "New Democrat" that he so greatly desires the general public to think he is.

It will be very difficult to brand Gov. Bush as a "radical right wing wacko" after he and Bradley get finished with each other.
If al "global" gore went any further left he'd be on the far right "a kinda circular thing". Its going to be interesting when 2001 arrives and there is very very little compliance with the weapons ban here in Kali and the leo's have to go to some peoples doors to collect "like the anonymous neighbor tip in the school supplies case" cause most won't turn in willingly and there will be blood in the streets. And a lot of these people know how to use the gear they own, not good for anyone involved.

By the way DC you misspelled Kalifornia.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 23, 1999).]
Gore - Pandering?

Whats new there?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Iowa Legal Definition of "Pandering"

Inticeing, enlisting, or forcing (Physically or verbally) a person into being a prostitute. (not an exact quote).

Like Lady Liberty maybe?

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited October 23, 1999).]
Oberkommando's "If al 'global' gore went any further left he'd be on the far right 'a kinda circular thing'." comment rang a bell.
I apologize in advance for digressing, but it does make a point.

Years ago, my teacher drew a line on the chalkboard and asked us to place the different "isms" to the right or left, with Anarchy being in the middle.

Naturally, we all put Communism and Socialism on the left and Capitalism and Fascism on the right.

He told us "You're making a common error by looking at these isms in an economic sense".
Rearrange them according to Freedom of the
Individual. You could almost hear the liberals gasp when the results were displayed. Anarchy was on the far right, with
Communism and Socialism snugly nestled at the other extreme, right next to it's arch-enemy, Fascism. Boy, there were a lot of
uncomfortable people in that class.

Gore and the rest of that part of the Democrats are nothing more than environ-mentalists in fascist's clothing. "We're not bad people, we know what is good for you, JUST OBEY ORDERS!".

I'd love to play that lineup game with the liberals, using Gore, Bradley, et al.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Talk is cheep. Another case of gross over simplification playing to the simple. We'd all like a cleaner, friendlier world, but no one knows the real cost. Hell, we can't even agree if global warming is real (it isn't). Most of their principles would disolve abruptly after they've spent a few a few nights cold and hungry in the dark. This is not to say we should bend over for Exxon, but no one should believe Algore.

Did'ja ever notice how many of these tree hugger syncopants live the life they advocate for you and me? Don't get me wrong, I'm a conservationist in the classic sense, but very few of these morons actually walk the walk (i.e Algore thinks he comes from a farm family & listens to whale songs in the back of his gov't limo, we'll save Tipper-dippy stories for another post)

In addition, it continues to amaze me that there are very few countries that have barriers to keep people out (like ours, as holey as they may be) vs. those that have them to keep 'em in. It seems to me that most of the world wants what we have, and it ain't antfarm housing, mopeds, and one-size-fits-all anything. I'm back in tha 'when I'm elected god there will be many changes . . . ' mood

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited October 23, 1999).]
That dude is running scared. Bradley's catching up to him like the sh**s. Instead of heavily implying that he'll do what they want, he's outright lying in their faces to get their votes. The question is, can he smooth-talk as good as clinton?

- Ron V.
