Gore not really from Tennessee?


New member
Says "barefoot boy from Embassy Row" should show some "hometown DC pride"
WASHINGTON (June 11) - Vice President Al Gore will hold his Presidential
campaign kickoff on the front porch of a farmhouse owned by his family in
Carthage, Tennessee, but the Chairman of the Republican National Committee
says Gore ought to announce his campaign in his real hometown, Washington,
"Why is Al Gore ashamed that he grew up and went to school here in
Washington, and why does he want to 'reinvent' himself as 'Tom Sawyer'
instead?" asked Nicholson. He challenged the Vice President to "show some
hometown pride and announce your candidacy from right here in your home
town of Washington, D.C." ( To Read The Entire Release visit www.rnc.org )

He isn't.

Search TFL for Gore and Roswell. Seems that his birthday is 9 months and some few days after the Roswell incident.

From: Ivan8883 611-99 615PM EDT Could not resist to bring out this tidbit from Igor's past. Igor's Godfather was Armand Hammer,the American businessman who was a hard core Communistwith strong conections to old Soviet Russia. Follow either the money trail and political trail of all these Elites who run Europe and America today and one can see all of them,whether so called Capitalists or Communist, all come from the same rotten group of people who since the bloody French evolution have been working for world domination through world wars and economic ups and downs(Federal Reserve has done its job well) . With Nato as its world military force, free peoples of the world are in deep you know what right now. Ivan
Every real Tennesseean knows Al Gore ain't one of us. His daddy was a career polictian and he grew up in Washington DC. He went to private schools and ivy league college. Gore's status as a Tennessean is purely a technicality. Truth is that Al Gore doesn't have the faintest idea what life is like for the average person in Tennessee. We don't claim him and don't want him. To us he's just carpetbagger scum.
When Bush, Sr. kept saying he was from Texas, a group of Democrats had a buffet at the hotel in Houston where Bush had his "home". On the menu? Ham and Baloney!

Apparently there were many jokes from Texans about Kennebunkport (Maine) being FAR northern Texas!
Grayfox, the carpetbaggers won't claim him either. At least we are honest about where we are from and we try to make an honest living. Things Al Boar as no clue on.