Gore: More of the Same


New member
Are you ready for 4 more years of Clinton? Al Gore threw his hat into the ring today for a presidental run. The only run he is entitled to is out of town on a rail. While watching him defend Klinton's actions with Monica, he stated that he stood by his friends because thats what a man of principle does. Whoa! When the friend lied to him and the American people Al Gore should have been the first in line to request a resignation for the good of the family and the "children".
He went on to state that if he were elected President we would see real change. Maybe I'm from the old school: But I don't see where we need change, what we need is some reform of the unconstitutional laws and CORRUPT POLITICIANS.
A little while later while watching C-span coverage of the crime bill debate, many of the demoncrats were against new laws directed at the media because it was an infringement on their 1st Amendment rights. Bet we don't hear the same agrument during the gun control debate tomorrow. The way I see it the demoncrats are selective in their tearing down of the constitution and the original amendments.
Further into the debate Rep. Alcee Hastings, you remember him the impeached Federal Judge from Florida took exception to an amendment sponsored by Majority Whip Delay.This amendment (#17) calling for a limit on Federal Judges issuance of consent decrees on prison overcrowding. Stated that all the judges he associated with because he was one were honorable men??? Excuse me Alcee but you were impeached not because you were honorable, you were dishonest and abused your position.

I have to ask what the H*ll has happened to the leadership of this country. A President that was impeached, though not removed because fellow demoncrats couldn't tell the difference between a crook and their own actions. A congressional representative placed into office by ?idiots? after being impeached! Now we have a PRINCIPLED V.P. running for higher office so he can bring about real change? Excuse me; he could have brought about real change when he had the opportunity to do something, but he chose not to because it was a friend involved!
A vote for Gore will be a vote to retain Klinton policy for another four. This country cannot stand another term of cowardly, deceitful, corrupt leadership,standing behind the children in all their actions.
I get so tired of everthing being postulated by this adminstration being done for the children. To me this is using a shield a cowardly act in any mans book, but then again we aren't dealing with men here, just adulterous politicians taking advantage of their interns, the children of somebody else.
Pass the Prozac and whiskey along with the ammo and praise the lord because we will all need the above items.
I've been ready for a year, when you were all shouting for the removal of clinton, I was saying gore is worse. here is why not only is he anti-gun, he is also an ecofreak. most of the people here are male, and most of you like hi-performance cars. Most hi-performacne cars pollute more than oh like geo metros do. Gore is gonna try to make the california emissions that national standard. and thats gonna suck for the rest of you. I already have to live with it, but its another fun thing that gov. is gonna take if gore is in.
I really think Gore would be worse than Clinton. Bill was somewhat hobbled by his indiscretions and had to "lead the way". Gore, coming on Clinton's coattails (so to speak) will be able to accomplish much more "to save the children" than Bill accomplished.

The Republicans offer the alternative of doing the same things (as the Democrats) only a bit slower.

I shun them both.

Vote - for a change!
Chink. I hate to tell you this, but every new vehicle I've bought since 1979 has had Kalifornia pollution controls.
Al Bore could not indentify the 3 busts of our founding fathers, Washington, Jefferson and Franklin. He also don't seem to know much about cars.
Maybe east of the Rockies, cars don't have CA pollution devices, but the ones I bought in Nevada, and Arizona sure as hell did.
Paul B.
Yes, defeating Gore in the next presidential election is crucial to the perpetuation of civil liberty in this country. Whatever shortcomings Bush Jr. may have, he's infinitely worthier of the presidency than Gore.

Also, if Gore goes, the elitist anti-gun zealots that Clinton appointed to high executive office will go with him. Good riddance to the lot of them!

As far as Gore's "principled" sticking to his corrupt friends is concerned, I think it's called honor among thieves.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited June 17, 1999).]