Gore gets cheers from National Assoc of Police Officers??


I just saw a quick clip on the news of Gore getting cheers and applause from the National Assoc. of Police Officers.
I've read lots of threads about cops being very conservative, constitution upholding, good guys, and most of the leos that I know are good guys, but the sight of several thousand cops cheering for Gore absolutely made my blood run cold.
Not surprising. The FOP endorsed Bore last month. They`re part of big labor and pretty much out of touch with the rank and file. I`m a member and Gil didn`t ask me my opinion. I also never depended on them for contracts either.
The people you see are told to be there or are kiss ups just like any other job.
It's a union, pure and simple. No different than the AFL-CIO or Teamsters. They endorse whatever will benefit the union and it's leaders, not necessarily being the sentiment of their union members.
Be nice of the pro-gun police could vote these fellows out of office.

That's why I am always opposed to these carry laws giving special priviledges to off-duty, out of state or retired cops.
I looked at joining the FOP a couple of years back, but discovered they are what the above posters indicate, Teamsters or AFL-CIO with badges. The local rep told me how sure he was that when "Gil" took over, all this anti-gun crap would end. I said, okay, show me the money. This is what happened instead. Glad I waited. I wish the ordinary citizen knew what it meant when a big police labor union endorses a candidate....NOTHING, as far as the rank and file feel. I got out of CLEAT for that reason.

When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; IT IS that they shall be destroyed forever...Psalms 92.7
They were just glad he was leaving after mentioning "medical detectors" at the airports . More than once .

'Medical detectors'? ;) Our TFL friends who want socialized medicine should appreciate that improvement ... ;)

Live and let live. Regards from AZ
FOP rep came to our department on a recruiting drive in 1994. I promptly got a lifetime membership to the LEAA. Sent the cancelled check to the local FOP lodge, too.


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited August 08, 2000).]
Saw the article today; they claimed to 'represent' MANY officers. I have serious doubts as to the actual numbers. I can only speak from my experience (never had any dealings with this outfit) but all the LEOs I ever knew were profoundly suspicious of anyone who claimed to 'speak for them'. BS is BS, whether it comes from some mope, your chief, or a 'spokesman'. The farther from the pavement it is, the more likely it is to be a lie.
