gorbachev (sp)


Retired Screen Name
Can any of you tell me what he is doing in this country? To my way of thinking this guy has come here to stay. He will be in gainsville fla here in a day or so and everybody is ooohing and awwhing. Dont they realize that this clown is a communist? Ive heard that he has somekinda organization called "green cross"....does anyone know if that is right and whtat the durn thing is---Im tending to think its a front for "the environment". Does anyone else think its strange that a former leader of your countrys most serious foe is now living in the U.S.?
Haven't heard anything about it.

ObConspiracyTheory: Perhaps the timing of the Tulsa incident was arranged to coincide with and cover for Gorby's visit. ;)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Gorby is probably here to help Bill run the country. OOPPS, did I say run, I meant ruin.
!:^) Far fetched or a bullseye, you decide!
Mikial Gorbechev was the guy who dismantled the Soviet system. Since then he has not realy been involved that much with any politics. As far as him living in the US, so what? Would you want to live in Russia these days?
I agree. Why wouldn't he wish to live here? There are way more cable channels and the electricity stays on ALL WEEK! Plus there are still plenty of leftist groupies around to fawn over him and can you say University Lecture Tour$$$$? I'm sure his agent is insisting on a pre-emptive strike into that market before it becomes saturated with Clintonites.
Dennis, are you confusing this guy (from the Reagan years) with the current Russian drunk? I promise you Mikail does not value port. He values EXPORT-specifically himself. From there to here! I say welcome to America - sorry about that 12 year quarantine for communists in my town! He'll just have to let his agenda gestate for a spell. I expect him to run for senate from California soon, from prison. We must give Mikail a break because we all value diversity. This Siberian Trotskyite is merely a victim of his own mercurial ideology. That which benefits him is good. USSR economics 101. :)
Gorby was actually in my neck of the woods this past weekend. He is now head of a tree hugging group called Green Cross. He was in GA to give several speeches. One of which was at UGA where I just happen to be a policeman.

I worked the speech. I was inside the complex; so, I got to hear most of it although it was hard to follow with both him and the translator speaking.

He didn't really talk about hugging trees. He gave a very leftist speech about nations needing to give up their sovereignty in favor of an international government. He may have ended communist rule in the Eastern Block, but he is still WAY to the left.
Oh nevermind

Was gonna say something very un-PC :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I can say only one good thing about Gorby...he did not go out of his way to keep me in the USSR. Other than that, a nasty critter like all the rest of them commmies/leftists. And the end of Communism in Russia did notmove them all that far right...they have a political and economic structure reminiscent of Germany in '38.

Well, I sort of hate to admit it, but I was referring to Mr. Gorbachev's port wine stain on his forehead. Political cartoonists rather beat it into the ground when Gorby first came into power. (Poor taste on my part.)