GOP rolls over and plays dead for the Dems; Blackmail?


The following is speculation only, based on the author's understanding of current and past events as presented on (primarily) network news. The similarities to real individuals are striking, because some of the
individuals really are, for some inexplicable reason, alive. If you disagree, it's because I'm a public education victim, and there weren't
federal standards for education when I went to school; if you agree,
good on ya.

White house guard dog Joe Lockhart is threatening the GOP in the House
with what sounds curiously like "Side with the president on this gun
control issue and no one gets hurt."

The GOP is capitulating on this one, folks, just turning tail and
running away from their sworn duty to uphold and defend the constitution
of the United States. Screw the second amendment, they seem to be
saying, we've got an election to worry about, and control of the house.

During the impeachment hearings, the GOP ignored the polls, the majority
of Americans saying "Let's get on with it," they toughed it out and, in
an act heretofore unheard of in Washington, acting on principle, they
did the hard thing, did the right thing and impeached the Predator In
Chief. But now, in the wake of the public school shootings in Littleton
and elsewhere,rather than look at the true source of the problem, they
seek the
simple, obvious, answer, rounding up all the usual suspects, like good
Germans. "Guns are the problem they say, our polls show 80% of the
American people are for more control." As if more gun control, or ANY
gun control, would have stopped those monsters in Littleton from making
bombs out of propane tanks. I don't hear anyone calling for registering
barbeque propane tanks with the ATF (yet), but I'm sure it has crossed
many a stunted bureaucratic mind. We need more control, the hysterics
among them wail.

It's about control, isn't it?

Like, someone controlled the FBI so well they (illegally) turned over
900 plus investigative records (on WHOM we will never know) to the
white house some years ago; information is power, it's why the FBI was
founded in the first place and used to abuse the rights of Americans by
presidents since Wilson.

Right after the Senate voted down a "hastily" (and non one believes the
president hadn't been working on that package in secret enclaves with
Sarah Brady, Chuck Schumer, Tom Diaz and other victim disarmament
advocates) assembled package of unconstitutional and vague laws, there
was Bill Clinton, doing his best impersonation of the character
portrayed by Gary Oldman in the SciFi movie "Fifth Element," the evil
Mr. Zorg, saying, "I am very disappointed." Well sir, that was enough
for the GOP senators who rolled right over and played dead. In synch
with the corpses of our forefathers, who were also rolling over.

What possible information can threaten the GOP representatives?
It should come as no surprise that our elected officials have secrets (a
few of them may have even inhaled, or sexually assaulted someone in the
past) and with the investigative help of such stellar examples of
everything which is fine, good and moral in America, you know, as
embodied in no less a person than Larry Flynt, such knowledge was enough
to unseat Bob Livingston. Unseat? Sorry, his cheeks hadn't even
touched the chair vacated by Newt Gingrich's vacillating tusch when he
ran out of the Senate like a gringo heading for the bathroom with a bad
case of tourista. What the GOP is left with is Mr. Denny "Compromise"
Hastert. I guess they didn't scrape the bottom of the barrel long
enough (or maybe it was his turn IN it).

How many other representatives are protecting their past lives, present
family friends and jobs, and future of power by folding under the veiled
threats from the White House so that they and all the material things
they hold dear won't be lost in the maelstrom of negative press
guaranteed to rain down on the heads of anyone who dares dissent in the
face of the man behind the curtains in the Oval Office?

Who indeed? Who in the GOP voted with that infamous partisan power
block known as the Democratic Party to NOT unseat the only elected
president to be impeached in US history? Who is voting to infringe the
civil liberties of our bill of rights? Who in the GOP will vote next
for higher taxes, more federal government involvement in schools, local
government, private lives, and morality plays in the theater of war in a
country near (or far) from you?

Is it YOUR representative who has those glistening spots of fear-induced
flop sweat on his or her upper lip at the next press conference,
explaining why it was so important to vote with the President on this
particular issue? Will it be "for the children?" His children, so they
can continue to suckle at the public teat and attend private schools
subsidized at taxpayer expense while mom or dad make a career out of
public service in Washington?

Don't look now, but those rights the founders of our country fought so
valiantly for are almost gone; the second amendment will be history,
like the fourth, fifth, ninth, and all the rest, and soon. What's that
sound? Printing presses stopping at the esecutive order of the
president? Or is it the sound of freight trains braking in your
neighborhood, come to take you off to a reeducation camp because you
owned guns or said something politically incorrect?

There's still time to call your reps; tell them to take some antacids.
There's calcium in those, good for building strong bones, like the spine
they lost when they found out the FBI may have turned over its records
on them to the White House.

Norm Balog
Medical Liaison,
AMEN BROTHER! I have been saying the same thing ever since the cowards in the Senate failed to kick the S.O.B. out of office.
My biggest problemn now, is why are the American people so blind to what is happening. is the government putting Ritalin in the water? They have my grandson on that crap, and it makes him into a little zombie. Without it, he's a normal little kid. The school insists on it, or he can't go. he can't learn under that stuff either.
Of course, if dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings say it, it must be so. They wouldn't lie to us. Right??????
Oops! Somewhat off thread, but maybe relevant.
Paul B.
Here's an alternate theory: The Republican leadership, and maybe a substantial fraction of the caucus, ACTUALLY LIKE GUN CONTROL. They have to pretend they don't, because they want our votes. But when they were in the minority they saw to it that they barely lost; Now they're in the majority and they barely lose. They're not being bribed or blackmailed, they've simply been playing us for fools for the longest time.

After all, can you name one single gun control law at the federal level which passed in the last decade, which didn't need some help from the Republican leadership? The Brady bill? Filibustered to death, so Dole aranged for the Senate to convene without a quorum present, and revive it on a voice vote. The "assault weapons" ban? They were more pro-active, agreeing to rules in advance which prohibited a filibuster of gun control provisions. The Lautenburg and Kohl amendments? They lied to their own caucus, telling them there was no gun control in that appropriations bill. And why did Lott schedule this vote when he did, if he DIDN'T want gun control?

Listen to them talk about these bills: They are using the logic and premises of our enemies. They ARE gun controlers! They're just afraid to be open about it.
I believe Brett is 100% on the button.

Dem or Repub...they are career politicos. They are all unresponsive. They all know what's best for us. They all have fantastic perks and pentions. They all have legal immunity that we don't have. So, instead of trying to determine where they are different, look for similarities and what they have to gain. What do they fear in common? What are their common threats?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"