GOP Assembly Candidate urges non-compliance and selective civil disobedience


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Subject: GOP Assembly Candidate urges non-compliance and selective civil disobedience with new gun laws.

As a buyback period for a banned assault rifle ends, one California Assembly candidate is actually calling for Californians to selectively disobey the law and keep their weapons.

Liz Michael, Republican candidate for State Assembly in the 43rd District in California, called for civil disobedience against Attorney General Bill Lockyer, and against a law she says is flatly unconstitutional. Namely, the new law which bans the SKS Sportster assault rifle.

"You cannot continue to have respect for the law when the law has been made an ass", said Michael. "The time has come for patriotic citizens of California, with all the new intrusive laws, to begin to say 'No more', and for those who feel able to do it, I believe the time has come for the time honored tradition of civil disobedience against the lawmakers of California who have chosen to trample upon our civil right to self-protection and community protection."

Michael also called on members of juries to begin considering jury nullification of these cases, and of certain drug cases and consensual sexual cases such as prostitution.
"Specifically, I believe the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution permits any law abiding citizen of California to own any firearm which they deem appropriate for their own protection and for the protection of their community. The legislature wants to continue to punish law-abiding citizens with these laws. They have now succeeded in turning the law-abiding gun owner into a criminal class of people. Since they have done this, and are intent on proceeding with even more gun laws against honest citizens, I don't believe that the law in California has any meaning any more. And the only recourse left to us now is to fight such efforts in the courts."

There have been about 600 Sporter owners statewide who have turned in the gun, which becomes illegal to own on Jan. 1, 2000. Of course, law enforcement officials estimate that there are many many more such weapons in circulation, as many as 5,000 according to some sources. Additionally, these weapons are not illegal in other states. Some Californians, instead of selling their weapon, have chosen to have it stored for them out of state in a neighboring state where such weapons are legal. "I know of several candidates and lawmakers in high office who have chosen to do this," Michael said. But Michael does not believe these people should have ever been required to do even this.

"It is ridiculous to legislate against firearms law in this manner. And I now fear that law enforcement resources will be diverted away from doing their true jobs, to serve and protect the community, to chasing honest citizens who may have, through either negligence, lack of knowledge, or willful civil disobedience, failed to obey this or any other gun law, which they really should not have to deal with in the first place."

.The Department of Justice was allotted $1.4 million for the buyback program, which was conducted by law enforcement agencies throughout the various counties. Of that, less than $140,000 has been spent on vouchers while $400,000 has gone for public relations and administration of the buyback program. Michael sees gun buyback programs as "attempts to disarm the honest law-abiding citizen." Critics as well as proponents of the Sportster buyback say the guns are not coming from the streets of major cities. Even law enforcement officials doubt so-called "traditional lawbreakers" such as gang members or inner city criminals are going to bother to turn in the weapon.

"Obviously there are some people who cannot risk civil disobedience, and I hold no grudge against them. However, I feel the time has come for those of us who can to proceed with such disobedience against unjust law, jury nullification of unjust laws, and fight for our rights. I am doing this in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the spirit of Gandhi. I do not advocate violence against law enforcement, nor do I advocate that individuals try to forceably prevent law enforcement from seizing their weapons at this time. I believe the knowledge that enough people view these laws as invalid will begin to encourage legislators to see the folly of them."


Liz Michael for Assembly
California State Assembly - 43rd District
P.O.Box 546, Glendale CA 91209
818-240-9425 213-840-6972
Amen. We need more folks like this representing us. I think it was Pat Buchanan who was quoted saying,"If you need a trailer hitch to move it, it MIGHT not be covered by the 2nd amendment". We really need to get together and vote these folks out. I agree that it is each citizens right to NOT comply with unconstitutional laws, but we must also try to work within the system created by our founding fathers to vote for and elect those that will fight for us by eliminating/preventing poor laws and writing only the new laws we really need. We also need to challenge the courts to rule such law unconstitutional. We need to band together, forget the small disagreements, and fight side by side to restore our rights and our freedom. Will you fight with me?
Have been, am now, will continue.

Clone this woman (politically). Get them into every public office possible. It is our only alternative to slavery or war.
Hey Dennis,
Are you sure,,,,,she's not a libertarian?, just kidding my friend, I couldnt buying my first sixpack of shiner bock tomorrow to help celebrate in the new milenimum......remember as long as your alive you can fight...fubsy.
Welcome back!
Liz Michael might not be a Libertarian, but she is a libertarian. And she sure as the dickens is NOT acting like a Republican.

Unless you mean a Republican like Libertarian Ron Paul!

(grin! Ball's in your court!)

No. Wait a minute. Seriously. If you'll remember, I said I was a Republican for some twenty years. I also said I did not leave the Republican Party - they left me when they defied their own platform to occupy the left wing radical position left empty when the Democrats became Socialists.

Congratulations on the Shiner Bock. I just KNEW we could agree on SOMEthing! :D
I don't care if Liz Michaels is a republican, a democrat, a liberterian, straight, gay, tall, short, fat, thin or what not. She believes in the Constitution and that's good enough for me. Darn I hope she runs for higher office.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I sure hope she runs for Senate someday. Then we can get rid of those two despots, Feinstein and Boxer.
Whooeee! Here are some excerpts from Liz Michael’s site.

I believe in FREEDOM! Others would call me an economic conservative and
a social libertarian: but that doesn't tell the whole story. My opponents
only believe in limited freedom, and only for limited groups. I believe in
FREEDOM FOR ALL! To have freedom for yourself you must allow it to

Craig Missakian supports gun control: and LIED about it to the NRA!!!

My chief Republican opponent told the Los Angeles Daily News in his
campaign announcement that he supports limited gun control. Yet he tells
the NRA and even some of his supporters he is for gun rights. Which group
are you lying to, Craig? And why?

Position Paper

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Such a small sentence. Yet these twenty-seven words form the
cornerstone of our Republic. The founders of the United States were wise.
They knew that men holding power, without a check and balance against
tyranny, would be prone to use power to the profit of themselves and the
abuse of the people.

So they carefully crafted these twenty-seven words. Twenty-seven words
which are the cornerstone of our Republic. For without them we have no
America. We all know that the Second Amendment plainly says that the
right to BOTH KEEP and BEAR arms shall not be infringed. Few of us have
observed though, the WHY of what the Constitution says. Yet there it is in

The Second Amendment is not about hunting ducks and deer. It is about
arms being held in private hands as a check and balance against a
tyrannical government. Understandably, the politicians of today don't want
you to know that, because of their own tyrannical intentions. The Second
Amendment is a basic civil right -- not a privilege doled out by politicians
for good behavior.

Gun Laws Counterproductive

Restrictions on firearms ownership by law abiding citizens are
counterproductive in the prevention of crime, as are these programs which
offer rewards for turning in guns, thereby stripping the citizenry of their
defense against the criminal element. In addition, such policies place
individuals and their families at risk not just against criminals, but against
wild predatory animals which may attack their family members, their pets,
or their livestock. We want fewer arms in the hands of the criminal, not
the private citizen, and these laws have the reverse effect.

Concealed Carry Licenses

If elected to the State Assembly, I will spearhead an effort to enact
Concealed Carry Licenses as well as legislation mandating reciprocal
recognition of out of state and international gun licenses. A statewide CCL
would allow a resident of a gun control locality to bypass difficult and often
racist local permit laws. Moreover, I would allow individuals with CCL's to
carry weapons inside their vehicles as a protection against carjacking and

Rescind Oppressive Laws

I advocate the repeal of any ban or waiting period on law-abiding citizens
posessing firearms: such law is bad law and policy which accomplishes
nothing and is unconstitutional. I also oppose registration of handguns on
several grounds: it is a tremendous government expense which does
nothing to avert crime, and is a first step toward confiscation. I also
oppose bills taxing ammunition, bills banning police trades, and support a
state law making these restrictions and requirements for citizen registries

Such requirements are not necessary to track weapons used in
crime: most weapons have heavy private traceability because of the
day-to-day recordkeeping of gun sellers. The aim of such bills is to restrict
freedom, and the people pushing them are fascists.

Prohibit Nuisance Lawsuits

If elected to the Assembly I would introduce legislation to prevent entities
from suing firearms manufacturers when their defectless products are
criminally misused or used in accidental shootings. There is a bevy of
these suits being planned by cities: cities who should be addressing not
the gun manufacturers, but their own police incompetence and
misconduct, and their own climate of violence in which gun incidents are
likely to occur.

Rescind The Domestic Violence Gun Ban

I advocate the rescinding of the recently passed federal domestic violence
gun-control law, the law stripping any individual of their Second
Amendment rights if they have had even a misdemeanor domestic
violence. This has resulted in ridiculous results, such as stripping police
officers and security guards of their weapons.

It is also an ex post facto
law, a penalty for crimes committed prior to the bill's passage, and
therefore ought to be unconstitional. If the individuals covered by this new
law are so dangerous that they deserve to be deprived of basic civil
liberties, then they should be in prison. If they are not dangerous, then
the government has no more right to take away their Second Amendment
right to keep and bear arms than it does to deprive them of their First
Amendment rights to free speech or freedom of religion.

Weapons Bans

My interpretation of the second amendment is that the law enforcement
authorities and the military are not entitled to bear weapons banned of the
general public. When the army and the cops and feds give up their guns,
I'll think about giving up mine, and not sooner. It applies to all weapons,
as far as I am concerned.

The founders clearly felt that private people needed access to and
ownership of heavy military weaponry and I can hardly disagree with
them. Fact of the matter is, you can never prevent tyrants from having
weapons, so the only check against that is that EVERYONE have access to

Besides, retired military personnel can never have their brains
sapped of the knowledge of war when they become private citizens again.
So there are always going to be civilians with military knowledge. As
Timothy McVeigh demonstrated. And he did not need a gun to kill 168

Gun Laws are Racist

If every Negro in the Old South had a few firearms, the Ku Klux Klan
would NEVER have been able to accomplish many of the treacheries they
did. Dare I say, that slavery itself could not have existed had not the
Negro been legally deprived of their firearm rights. And nothing has
changed, as laws in cities with large black populations, like New York,
Washington, and Pasadena, have firearms regulations so severe, yet do
little but "determine what color you are" so that you can be discriminated
against by law enforcement.

It is the bigots and wackos out there, whom unless they violate a criminal
law you will never be able to quantify, that top the list of reasons why
everyone else should be armed.

"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who
would resist us have been totally disarmed."
- Sarah Brady, Chair, Handgun Control, Inc., 1993

Sponsored by the Liz Michael for State Assembly Campaign Committee, P.
O. Box 546, Glendale California 91209 - 213-840-6972 - e-mail:



When we demand it, champions will begin to appear!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 31, 1999).]
Ms. Michael sounds almost too good to be true. Maybe there's a slight glimmer of hope out there after all. Yes, let her run (and win) and clone her, if possible. Her views listed above are like breaths of fresh air. Are you sure she's from Kalifornia?

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
WOW....finally someone with the cojones to be honest, at least on the surface. I hope she's sincere and will be the spark needed in that socialist state....and the rest of the country.
Dennis, you know I agree with most libertarian principles,---and my belief in the constitution ---its sometimes the methodologys we differ on, not the final outcome---we must win...Happy new year and I couldnt get no shiner bock so have one for me....Ive got a jug of missippi mud and a slightly aged good red wine......later..fubsy.
Ah, Liz, you are one fine woman.

And, she is right on the money. Civil disobedience by hundreds or thousands of Americans will begin to turn this tide. But, it will take guts, and it will take sacrifice. But start putting average Americans in jail for this crap, and people are going to have to rethink the absurdity of this kind of legislation.

We can make no mistake about this - it is indeed a struggle for civil rights.

Reading this certainly does give hope. SCR1, thanks for the post.
Indeed we do need more like her. I hope you send the lady some encouragement and capital support!

It's a good life if you don't weaken.
I never questioned your goals - we've always agreed. Happy New Year! (Sorry 'bout no Shiner!)
Foxfire, I agree that she sounds almost too good to be true. But if, unlike 99% of
politicians, she sticks to her guns (so to speak) and doesn't say one thing before she gets elected, and then behave as if she never said it after she gets elected, she'd get my vote if I lived in California.

If elected, she'll have a tough go of it, but that's okay. Politics needs fewer politicians and more people like her. Just don't be too disappointed if she gets elected and then is unable to do very much of what she wants. Why? Because modern American politics' one defining characteristic is compromise, and it sounds as if she won't take that cowardly route. People who don't compromise their principles (the few that have any) in politics are usually ostracized and have a difficult time getting their bills seriously considered, much less passed.

I wish her all the luck in the world; she'll need it in today's political climate. The fact that there are still people like her out there running for office gives me some slight hope for the future.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
I too have sent this lady a contribution for her candidacy. I think it's time for us to become single issue voters, if we want to restore our gun rights! I hope everyone will send her a small portion of the money you would have spent on the guns that the Democrats have now prevented you from buying.
The problem is that Liz isn't running for a state-wide office, so all of us Cali's can't vote. Best we, who don't live in her district (which means you outta staters too), can do is write encouragement and send the dinero(money for you non-Cali/southwest folks).

Do it.

Addendum: forgot to mention...Glendale/43rd District is in the LA basin....she'd be a serious burr in the saddle to the socialists

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited January 02, 2000).]
Aim for the head (when they come for you) ..........bring meaning to your wreched existence! Har! Har! Har! It ain't gonna be as easy as they think.
The lady also has her act together as far as fund-raising goes.

There is an online contribution page where you can use your credit card. All too often we have good intentions that somehow go astray between making the commitment and mailing the check. This way it's painless.

I did get a "Unhandled Exception: Syntax error" when I tried to send a message along with my numbers. I've asked her to contact me if it didn't go through. I also asked her to let folks at this address know how things are going.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.