Goodbye everyone


New member
OK I should be posting in General Discussion I know, but this was my first forum in TFL and I have a special attachment to it. Hope everyone understands.

I think most of you are aware that I've discussed applying to a PD to become a LEO in either Los Angeles or Hawaii. I've had personal problems and serious turmoil in my life that has prevented me from taking advantage of the opportunity to do so earlier. I wanted everyone to know that I value the advice given to me on the topic, but I've taken a different choice.

I am enlisting in the United States Army. Most of the initial paperwork is done, it's just a matter of the written test, physical examination, and language aptitude test. All of this will happen right after Thanksgiving. I'll be off to basic within a couple of weeks. I should have done this earlier, but I had the notion of crossing the mainland and enlisting in Hawaii. I will no longer be able to do so because my life has come to a point where I have to make a choice, or forever leave it. And I've made that choice.

I think I'm good. I aced the practice written test, have no physical problems, no criminal record, no drug use, and have a college degree already. I think I'm going to get choice of duty station as well: 25th Light Infantry Division, "Tropic Lightning," based in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. No other unit. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Between now and when everything is sorted out after basic, I will have no internet access. I'm moving out in a rush, somewhat forced - so I may or may not have time to goto a cybercafe in the next couple of weeks as I struggle to pull through. I'm sure I will. I'll miss you all, I guess. The LawDog Files, LASur5er's stories, David Scott's scenarios, The neverending AR15/M16 flame war, The Days of Panic when TFL was down, Gunslinger pulling a lot of us together, dumb stories, funny stories, sad stories ... yeah ... it'll be missed. TFL's been good to me. I promise I'll be good, and I'll pull through basic and tell you how it went. :) So administators, please keep my screenname out of the cold. I'll be back someday.

Be good everyone ... stay safe, much aloha to you all :)
Good luck & Godspeed.

Take care of yourself and keep the warrior spirit alive, we need fine young men like you in the Armed Forces. The Army's OK (social engineering aside), but you might want to consider the Marines. You seem like a guy who thrives on challenges, and the challenges you will face and the training and discipline you will learn will serrve you your whole life. All the best, dude. M2

Hey, ya never know how this deal may turn out!

I joined the Army at age 32. I was at a point where I felt like I needed to do it.
It was one of the smartest things I ever did.
It was right after a divorce, financial problems, and right after meeting my present wife.
I struggled with emotions ranging from leaving my family and friends, especially my 6 yo(at the time) daughter. These were offset by my love of country and military stuff.

Still it was a great experience.

Some people live their whole lives and never leave their mark (so to speak). Maybe this is your time.

So, to echo the sentiments of the others on the board---

Good luck and come back as soon as you can.
Hi everyone, managed to sneak in some time at a nearby cybercafe. In a huge rush, but could not resist coming back to see TFL. A big mahalo to you all and hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

LawDog, thank you for the advice. Will try to hide as much as possible :)

Mike in VA, I wonder why you're so partial to the Corps? :) I chose the 25th Light Infantry Division because that unit will always be in my heart.

twist996, you'll have to explain what that means sometime ... I don't speak Spanish :) A big thank you regardless ... you take care too.

tatters, well, it's been a long time coming. I'm not that old - I can still make it to OCS - but it seems like forever. Thanks for the encouragement.

Erick, thank you. Please watch over TFL with the others and keep this site the great experience it always will be.

Aloha to all of you ... til we meet again :)
Viceroy, I meant no disrespect for the 25th LID, if that's what's in your heart, by all means, go for it, some outfilts are still special. I myself was 1st Bn, 1st Infantry Division as a support troop at USMA. I liked the Army fine, but IMO, in the last few years it's been 'dumbing down' and 'feminizing', and lowering it's standards in general. They despartaely need new blood (warrior blood), and maybe that could be you.

As far as the Marines go, I had an uncle who spent 444 days as a 'guest' of the Iranian gov't in 1979-80, and a nephew who spent Christmas in Bhagdad (sp?) against his will, and the Marines looked after both of them. The first thing my nephew did upon returning stateside was join the Marines, partly because that was who his 'playmates' were (Embassy brat), partly because of his admiration and gratitude, but mostly because he felt it was time (age 19)to take control of his life and felt he could get no better training for life. I didn't disagree.

Anyhoo, good luck to ya, and drop us a line when you can and let us know how you're progressing. M2
I hope I didnt get here to late......manage your career, look to were you want to be and plot the strategy and follow through........I wish you all the best, you have my email address, if you wish email me.....fubsy.
All the best in your new vocation,

and good luck in getting posted to the 25th ID (aka "The Electric Strawberry", aka "Hawaii Power & Light" ;) )

Folks like me sleep safe because folks like you are willing to serve; thank you.

Stand tall and do us proud!
I know I know

Haven't left quite yet :) 4pm for the rendevous at the Recruiting Office and then off to the Processing Center ... I just love TFL to stay away too long from it :)

Thank you everyone ... I'll give it all I've got in this life. :)