good sturdy gun belt


New member
if you know of a nice thick, sturdy, durable leather gun belt that will fit through belt loops in most pants and is readily available for online purchase please tell of it here.
Get a belt that is 1.5 inches wide and it will fit most all pants. The Beltman has some ready to buy belts depending on your size, fairly limited selection. The custom belts have a lot of options but do take a while to arrive. I bought the basic black belt in bullhide and like it a lot.
Wilson Custom has nice ones as does Dillon if the other suggestions don't interest you.

I have one of each and they are working well.
+1000 for the Beltman.

I know you don't want to wait for a belt, but if he doesn't have one in stock, a custom belt from him is well worth the weight and price.
Check out the Stronghold belts at They come with or without reinfocement and can be had in about a week. I own both styles and can tell you the more expensive reinforced version isn't necessary.
The BeltMan has a great product and is a great guy. I am lucky enough to live about five miles away from him.
Get a lined belt,,,

That's what really turns a regular heavy belt into a gunbelt.

It doesn't matter if the belt is made from rhino hide,,,
If the flesh (inside) side isn't bonded to something else it will eventually sag.

Two thin layers bonded and sewn together,,,
Are much more rigid than one thick layer.
A vote for Bob Mernickle

I own several 1.75" belts by Bob Mernickle. They are far superior to the Bianchi and Safariland belts I used to use (and those were pretty darn good). All are the heaviest weight available. I also have a belt-slide holster from Bob and use it to carry full-weight 1911s and a P-35 (BHP clone).

However, in the summer heat I don't use leather. I have a heavyweight 5.11 brand nylon belt and a nylon holster from WRB in Gun Barrel City, TX, and carry a SS Combat Commander.
Older post, good belts for firearms/gear...

This is a old post but I'll answer the topic ?.

In short, I'd get a well made lined belt about 1.50" wide.
Good carry-duty belts include 5.11 Tactical, Blackhawk, Unkle Mike's, Kramer, Milt Sparks, Ken Null, Mitch Rosen.
Many popular LE/gear websites sell different products; .

I've heard many + things about the Beltman systems but I never owned any yet.
Tucker Gun Leather has nice belts but some are backordered as much as 8 months:eek:

Others can be had in a week or so.

Goes to show you how nice they are though. I don't know of any other belt makers who are that backlogged.