Good showing in Phx. countering MMM


Proponents of the 2nd Amendment had a good showing in today in Phx, approx 200 activists.

The MMM had about 300, the local news inflated it to 1500.

we had about the same for the sas met here in denver. the mmm outnumbered us with their turnout. however at least the press from what i saw on the early news at least gave us equal airtime. ch9 and the dumber post interviewed my daughter who ebded up being the mc for the event
My family and I went to the Phoenix rally, and if you've never done it, get out there next time. It was actually fun, and it felt good to let the anti-self defense gun bigots know that we're here, and we're not backing down.

Get out there and rouse the rabble ... do it ... for the children!

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited May 15, 2000).]