Good question posed in another thread.

Fred Hansen

New member
USP45usp asked:
Why don't we try something that may well work (in my opinion) and that's having armed administrators, teachers or CHL holding civilians in the school. Like Israel did and the terrorist then stopped hitting schools as a "soft target".
My response:

From the liberal perspective the reason they don't is because it would work. It would save lives, and at the same time it would make people aware that self-reliance is indeed the most successful course of action that one could ever hope to take.

Self-reliance is the bane of liberal existence. How can they hope to get people to hire them (through the ballot box) to steal other people's money if the people they (they seek votes) from see self-reliance as a virtue?

Not to mention that the monopoly that liberals currently hold on Public Indoctrination Kamps would be totally broken. They have to fight the idea of self-reliance tooth and nail. To do any less would only speed their doom.

Besides, more dead people = more votes for Democrats in Bahstun, Noo Yawk, Shicaaago and even here in Washington state.
What about simply having off-duty armed police officers posted at the schools?

IMHO, arming school administrators/teachers is going a little overboard. I think what we need is armed personell who's sole and primary function is providing school security.

Off-duty LEO's would be great and allow for quick response of on-duty back up if needed because of radio communications.

I understand the cost would be higher, especially since it would probably be overtime pay. Perhaps it could be voluntary service on the LEO's part in exchange for a comp day credit or other type of leave extension.

Just brainstorming here, guys.
Because teachers must learn how to use guns and be accurate with them. While this is seen as part of the job of law enforcement, this is not seen as part of being a teacher.
Such training can only be voluntary. Even if you could make all the teachers take training, it will not be successful if they don't want to learn.
A gun is not much use in the hands of somebody unwilling or emotionally unable to shoot another. Each person must make that decision themselves.
Further, they must learn retention techniques. It a criminal knows a teacher is carrying it is a simple matter to attack them when it is not expected and take their gun.
Worse yet, because a teacher may not see it as part of their jobs they may keep the gun off body. A student can figure out or just find the gun.

Off duty officers - extra money, more taxes. Nobody wants that even if they know what the money is for.
IIRC Israel uses parents to patrol their schools. That might work, but it'd be nice if we haven't gotten to the point yet where every school needs a patrol of armed parents (maybe we have).

It's perhaps a little more effective in Israel where they are protecting students from obvious bad guys -- i.e. terroorists that are relatively easily identified and everyone is trained to kill from young adulthood.

In a school shooting, though, parents would have to intervene to kill students the age of their own kids. Don't know if they would be effective at it or not, but it's of concern.
Sorry to go so far off topic, but a link to an article in Fred Hansens post set me off....

"If voters don't have identification, or are challenged for any other reason, they will get a different colored ballot. This would allow ballots accidentally put into counting machines to be retrieved and keep separate pending validation.

And a statewide database will check for felons and dead people and others who legally can't vote. " From

Wow, something about that just scares me... "challenged for any other reason" That statemenet is scary as hell to me. In the back of the mind of the person handing out ballots
"that guy looks like a liberal/anarchist/republican/whatever, I dont believe he is going to be honest, I will give him one of the purple ballots"

Hey I know, they could use that same database that keeps track of Dead Beat dads that we have to be cleared through before we can get fishing or hunting tags... I know they could use Social Security numbers as a unique identifier in that database. They could keep fingerprints and DNA in there, I mean it is just felons and dead people, so it would not be a violation of anything. Heck we dont have anything to worry about, I mean its not like we are doing anything wrong that would get us listed in that database at least not till we are dead, then it doesnt matter any more does it? I mean nobody is invalidly listed on that other database, the do not fly list I think it is called....
Well jburtonpbx, the job of politicians is not to guard your liberties. That is the job of the voting public, to keep an eye on politicians.
Politicians see it as there job to stay in power, preferably to garner more. Invalidating part of the votes, presumably to their advantage, takes away that messy randomness of humanity.