Good price for a Arisaka 99?


New member
Guy is asking $170. Beautiful condition metal, wood is in good condition and hasn't been stripped or refinished .All intact except for the lightly struck Chrysanthemum, and forearm has been cut down a foot or so. Mostly matching numbers, has the mono-pod with it and antiaircraft wings still attached. Nice shiny bore, bolt operates silky smooth and trigger is nice.

I've always wanted one of these. If it's a good deal and I buy it, I'll get an un-cut stock to "restore" it to fighting form
$170 isn't a bad price, the stock is easily repaired and everything else is intact(aside from you didn't mention the dust cover) so I would say it's a good deal with room for improvement.
"Beautiful condition metal..."

That is a decent price, but if concerned about originality, make sure it hasn't been reblued. Most Type 99's have serviceable finishes, but not what most folks would call "beautiful."

id do it in a heartbeat! i bought a nice type 38 for $200 about 2 years ago. my girlfriend bought a sporterized 99 about 3 years ago for 80$ the pawn shop didnt even know what it was, the tag said "wood stock rifle" :D
James "beautiful" I ment its not scratched, dinged and gouged all to heck...the color itself I can only describe as dark plum colored? Yes dust cover is included.
Good deal !!

That is a decent price, but if concerned about originality, make sure it hasn't been reblued. Most Type 99's have serviceable finishes, but not what most folks would call "beautiful."
Yes, this came to mind as well, when I read the post. Of the Mums that I have seen, all were stamped fairly deep. Taking this post at face value, I'd say this was a very good deal. The mud cover is fairly common but you don't see many mono-pods. .... :)

Be Safe !!!
I looked everywhere for the guy at the last swap meet. He was nowhere to be found :( I'm going again this Sunday, really hope to see him back. I'm sure he still has it as 90% or better of the people that go to this thing haven't a clue what it is unless it's an 870, 223 of some kind or says "06" on it someplace.

Last time a guy had a DESTROYED Chinese type 53, and was telling me all about it being a "German gun" made for the "Turkish army" and that he thinks it shoots .308win:eek: lord :rolleyes: I tried explaining to him that he had a Chinese copy of a Russian carbine that take the 7.62x54R. He protested...profusely. Also, he was "letting it go" at the bargain price of only $225 HA!:p